

Kipping, Nehls named top principals

Feb 24, 2017 | Community Relations
jerry kipping  jillnehls

Two veteran educators were recently honored as Lamar CISD’s Principals of the Year for 2017.

Jill Nehls is the Elementary Principal of the Year. She is in her eighth year as principal at Long Elementary. 

She was an assistant principal at Frost and Smith elementary schools prior to taking the helm at Long. She taught in Alief ISD before coming to Lamar CISD.

Jerry Kipping is the Secondary Principal of the Year. He is in his second year as principal at Foster High School.

He was principal at Lamar Junior High before moving to Foster. Kipping also served as assistant principal at Briscoe Junior High School and Terry High School, and as a teacher and coach in Corpus Christi ISD. 

The District’s top principals are chosen every year by a vote of their peers.
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