Students not riding a bus or walking should be dropped off and picked up in the front of the main building. *Parents should be in the drop off/pick up line before and after school. Due to student safety concerns, no walk-ups are permitted.*
On occasion, it may be necessary for you to pick up your child for an appointment or an emergency. On such an occasion, please come to the school office with picture identification. The receptionist will contact the teacher with instructions to send the student to the office. In order for the student to be picked up early by someone other than the parent, their names must be listed on the student’s registration form or they must have a note with the parent’s signature stating they may pick up the student. They will also need to show our staff identification such as a driver’s license. Students should be picked up by 2:40 p.m.
A folder will be provided to each student by his/her teacher. The folder will contain graded papers and other items of school importance. Please ask your child for this folder each Thursday.
We welcome our parents to come to school to eat lunch with their child(ren). Please follow all school procedures and sign into the office for a visitor’s pass. Only adults approved by the custodial parent and on the emergency card will have approval to eat lunch with a child. Anyone not on the emergency card will not be permitted to visit with the child at any time. We have provided a family table for you to enjoy your lunch.
PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Teachers are available for conferences either in person or by phone. Conferences may be scheduled by calling the teacher. Parents may not conference with teachers during class/duty time. If canceling a conference appointment, please call at least 24 hours in advance so another parent conference can be scheduled. Parents will be required to attend an individual conference after the first nine weeks to discuss student progress.