


Starting the 2024-2025 school year, Lamar CISD adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare. This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Lamar CISD. ParentSquare will be replacing the current School Messenger system. Click HERE to learn more.

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Nivens’ News – March 2025

Hear from Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Roosevelt Nivens as he shares monthly updates on the latest and greatest from across the District, including the approval of instructional calendars for the next two school years, a redesign for the District website, a second consecutive national championship win for the Fulshear cheer team, our Board of Trustees being named as finalists for the H-E-B Excellence in Education Awards, and a congratulations to the students who received recognitions in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo school art submissions.

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