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Local Assessments


Local Assessments in Lamar CISD

  • The Lamar CISD logo with the word 'Benchmarks' underneath.


    District-designed exams that help teachers target specific areas where students may need intervention before the administration of the STAAR. 

    Audience and What We Assess:

    Grade Level(s) Subject(s) Tested
    3, 4 Math and Reading Language Arts (RLA)
    5 Math, Reading Language Arts (RLA), Science
    6,7 Math and Reading Language Arts (RLA)
    8 Math, Reading Language Arts (RLA), Science, Social Studies
    High School Algebra I, English I, English II, Biology, US History

    When We Assess:

    Fall and Spring

  • The logo for Client Engage Circle, featuring a red circle with the word 'Circle' inside and the words 'Client Engage' above.


    State-required early childhood assessment to evaluate student progress in preparing for kindergarten. 

    Audience and What We Assess:

    Pre-K Students

    Download English Description of Assessment Measures

    Download Spanish Description of Assessment Measures

    When We Assess:

    Beginning, Middle, and End of Year

    Note: Per 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §102.1003(c), school systems providing high-quality, full-day prekindergarten (pre-k) for 4-year-olds must collect data on student progress at the beginning, middle, and end of the year in health and wellness, emergent literacy language and communication, emergent literacy reading, emergent literacy writing and mathematics using a commissioner-approved progress monitoring instrument.

    CLI Engage: Family


  • The Riverside Insights CogAT logo, featuring a stylized blue and green design.


    Screener used estimate verbal, numerical, and non-verbal reasoning abilities. Based on the results, students may be referred for Gifted & Talented or other services. 


    Primarily Kindergarten and Grade 2

    When We Assess:

    Beginning of the Year


  • The logo for the company 'nwea map growth' with the word 'map' in green and 'nwea' in yellow and 'growth' in black.


    Comprehensive, adaptive assessment program that measures growth in math and reading over the course of a year and between years. Results are predictive of success on STAAR and college entrance examinations. 


    Grades 1 – 11

    When We Assess:

    Beginning, Middle, and End of Year

  • The NWEA Map logo features the word 'map' in bold, orange letters with a yellow outline. The word 'NWEA' is above 'map' in smaller, yellow letters. The text 'Reading Fluency' appears below 'map' in a smaller font.


    Online, adaptive assessment that measures oral reading fluency, comprehension, and foundational skills in English or Spanish. 


    Kindergarten – Grade 5

    When We Assess:

    Beginning, Middle, and End of Year

  • The logo for cli engage, a company that provides early assessment for kindergarten.


    State-required early childhood assessment to evaluate student progress in preparing for first grade. 

    Audience and What We Assess:


    Download English Description of Assessment Measures

    Download Spanish Description of Assessment Measures

    When We Assess:

    Beginning, Middle, and End of Year

    Texas Kindergarten Entry Assessment (TX-KEA) offers comprehensive kindergarten entry screening, progress monitoring, and observation tools hosted on CLI Engage platform. TX-KEA is available in Spanish and English and includes the TEA-required BOY Literacy Screener and EOY Dyslexia Screener. 

    CLI Engage: Family

When We Assess

Click on the buttons below to find out when the testing windows are in Lamar CISD. Please note: campuses are not testing every day during the window listed on the calendar. 

If you have questions about the state or district testing programs, please contact your child's campus or call the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.

If you have questions about the state or district testing programs, please contact your child's campus or call the Research, Assessment, & Accountability Department at 832-223-0136.