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Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 pm.

About Campbell Elementary

New beginnings

Campbell Elementary opened in the Fall of 2000. It was exciting for all concerned, with a new building, new students, new staff, new challenges and opportunities. During our first year, we achieved exemplary status.The entire staff at Campbell Elementary continues to work together to meet each student’s needs and to provide all students with opportunities to develop knowledge skills as they experience growth in academic, social, emotional and physical areas.

Parental involvement

Parental and community involvement supports the school’s program and contributes significantly to the success and the spirit of the school. The involvement of our Parent Teacher Association (PTA) enables our campus to function at an exceptionally high level of efficiency. Throughout the year, the PTA works to build school spirit and cohesiveness through fundraising, organizing family events and activities, and providing teachers and staff with materials, ideas and support. Volunteer involvement in the library, workroom, classrooms, as well as with special projects, is a clear reflection of our connection between school and community. The PTA also publishes electronic newsletters so parents can be kept apprised of school activities and events.


Instruction at Campbell is enriched with many exceptional learning opportunities. Teachers use differentiated instruction to make sure all objectives are clearly understood for optimal academic growth. Students are encouraged to participate in programs such as Accelerated Reader, UIL, Student Council, Orchestra, Choir and many more.


Campbell is committed to including a wide variety of strategies to meet our student’s needs, including:

  • Balanced Literacy
  • Thinking Maps
  • Mentoring
  • Integrated technology
  • Learning centers
  • Differentiation

Teachers are kept abreast of the latest research based instructional strategies. At Campbell, staff, parents, and community members are dedicated to supporting and nurturing our Cougar Cubs in every way!