Ugandan Delegation Visits Foster High School

Aug 30, 2018 | Community Relations

IMG_2841A delegation of 12 from the Ugandan Parliament and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development visited Lamar CISD’s Foster High School this week to learn about the school’s STEM programs. This visit was part of a Texas tour for delegates on the Nuclear Power Industry coordinated by Texas A&M University and Nuclear Power Institute (NPI).

During their visit, delegates were joined by State Representative John Zerwas and heard from Foster students in the Powerful Opportunities for Women Eager and Ready for Science, Engineering and Technology (POWER SET) and Workforce Industry Training (WIT) programs. Students shared personal insights on the benefit of STEM opportunities at Foster High School through academics and student organizations. Teachers Adam Frenzel, Paul Guevarra and Valerie Brooker also shared their goals for the students in each of their courses.

This opportunity was made possible by Dr. Lee Peddicord with Texas A&M and Dr. Valerie Segovia, director of Outreach and Development for NPI. Foster High School has worked with NPI and the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station for the past six years promoting STEM through student organizations.