Lamar CISD Seeking Students for “Destination Graduation”

Aug 23, 2019 | Community Relations

If you attended a Lamar CISD high school between 2016 - 2019 and dropped out or were not able to earn your diploma, “We Want You Back!” You may be eligible to re-enroll at your former campus, in night school or at 1621 Place.

Below are five life-changing reasons to earn your high school diploma:

  1. Earn more money: In 2017, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that high school graduates earn an average of $192 more per week than those who didn’t graduate.
  2. Provide a clear path to college or trade school: To apply to college, join the military or receive acceptance to most trade schools, a high school diploma is a prerequisite. Ninety percent of people in the military that enter as a Tier 1 have a high school diploma.
  3. More job opportunities: According to a student-conducted survey at Georgetown University, 36 percent of available jobs require a high school diploma. By 2020 it is estimated that approximately 13 million jobs will list a high school diploma as a minimum requirement.
  4. Earn the confidence of achievement: A 2018 National Center for Education Statistic Report indicated that almost 5 percent of U.S. high school students dropped out in 2016. A major benefit of earning your high school diploma is knowing that you have the perseverance, intelligence and work ethic to complete your course work and graduate. What an awesome feeling!
  5. Set the expectations for future family members: You may be the first member of your family to graduate from high school. You will be setting the expectation for younger siblings, your children and even grandchildren regarding the importance of earning a high school diploma and its impact on creating greater earning potential.

For more information on how you can return to school and receive your high school diploma, contact Dr. Michael Milstead at 832-223-0406 or [email protected]