Lamar CISD Celebrates School Nurses’ Week May 6 - 12

May 03, 2020 | Community Relations

Please join Lamar CISD in recognizing May 6 - 12 as School Nurses’ Week.

At its April meeting, the Board of Trustees approved a resolution declaring School Nurses’ Week. The week-long event is celebrated throughout the District and calls attention to the importance of the nurse's role on our campuses.

Professional nurses are valuable members of educational teams in Lamar CISD schools. Nurses contribute to the health of students in many ways beyond their most recognizable function as registered health care providers.

School nurses also serve as advocates for students by lending a perspective regarding individual health needs and their assistance is particularly important in cases where students’ illnesses hinder their ability to learn.

School nurses assist school personnel as trusted communicators with parents regarding sensitive health topics. Their connection to the health-care system adds credibility in addressing topics such as prevention of drug use, child abuse, suicide, school-age pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

School nurses also serve as health educators, providing counseling and support for students and teachers. They are important resource persons in processes of curriculum development, textbook selection and review of instructional materials, in which accuracy of information is highly important.

The Board of Trustees encourages all members of our staff and community to express appreciation to our school nurses.