Valedictorian and Salutatorian for Fulshear High's Class of 2020

May 14, 2020 | Community Relations

Yenvy Bui is the Valedictorian for the Class of 2020 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Loc Bui and Yen Nguyen, she will attend Rice University, majoring in either Biochemistry or Kinesiology. She aspires to become an ophthalmologist.

While at CFHS, Yenvy was Treasurer of HOSA, was a member of the National Honor Society, TSA, Student Council, YIP, Science Olympiad, WIT, National Honor Society and Academic UIL. She also participated in Band and was a Drill Captain and Section Leader.

Yenvy looks forward to opening her own private practice and creating lasting bonds with her clients. She says she’ll know she’s truly succeeded in life when she’s made beautiful connections with people and transformed their lives enough to have her office plastered with Christmas thank you cards.

Reflecting on her high school experience, Yenvy claims that she will never forget the “little school that can” pride she shared with her fellow Chargers as they opened a brand-new high school. She hopes that her fellow classmates will remember that “half the journey comes from the effort we decide to put forth- you’ll never see the light at the end of the tunnel if you don’t try to turn on a flash light in the first place.”


Alice Teper is the Salutatorian for the Class of 2020 at Fulshear High School.

The daughter of Anna and Vadim Teper, she plans to the University of Houston, majoring in Biology. Upon receiving her undergraduate degree, Katherine has plans to attend medical school to become a family physician.

While at Fulshear, Alice was a member of HOSA, TSA, Student Council and the National Honor Society.

When asked if she has any final words for the class of 2020, Alice says to always say what you mean and do as you feel, reminding her classmates that they have no responsibility to anyone but themselves.

Alice reflects on the unique experience she has had getting to open Lamar CISD’s newest high school and is thankful for the opportunity to meet many different people and experience their perspectives on life. She leaves her fellow Chargers with this quote: “As long as this exists, this sunshine and this cloudless sky, and as long as I can enjoy it, how can I be sad?” – Anne Frank