Some educators use the summer time to recharge their batteries, taking a trip to (relatively) far lands.
Others use the time to study up, preparing themselves with the latest knowledge.
Some find a way to do both.
Frost Elementary principal Dr. Shannon Hood was one of 50 Texas principals chosen to participate in a leadership program at the Harvard University Graduate School of Education. The trip was sponsored by Raise Your Hand Texas, and Hood was chosen out of 200 Texas applicants.
Along with more than 200 principals from around the world, Hood had the opportunity to take part in a program called “Leadership: An Evolving Vision.” She plans to implement some of what she learned as soon as school starts.
“I was particularly interested in learning strategies for supporting learning and teaching,” Hood said. “These strategies will be implemented during our August staff development.”
Hood specifically mentioned sessions that will help her teachers deal with change so that Frost can realize its “organizational potential.”
While Hood said she learned a lot from her colleagues at Harvard, she believes her Lamar CISD compatriots are second-to-none.
“Principals in Lamar CISD are some of the finest people I know!,” she said. “Our school leaders are committed to improving teaching and learning so that all students experience success.”