Every family has a voice in Lamar CISD’s ongoing pursuit of educational excellence, and we are seeking your feedback about the school your student(s) attends during the Annual Campus Climate Survey. The survey will be emailed to all families on Tuesday, February 13 and will remain open until Friday, March 1.
We encourage parents/guardians to respond to the survey through the email sent by K12 Insight or by visiting the campus website home page. There will be questions about critical school issues such as academic preparation, student support, family engagement, and more.
Families with students in more than one school may submit their feedback in a couple of ways: individually on the campus website home page or there will be a link in the thank you message to submit a response for another student after the first survey response.
Please know that your feedback is confidential, reports will not identify individuals. No one in the District will know whether you have participated unless you identify yourself in the space for open-ended comments.
After the survey closes, we will report the findings on the Lamar CISD website.
Thank you for your feedback.
⤓ View the 2023 Survey Results