Back row. Chris Brown, Seema Patel, Alora Wadley;
Middle row. Marco de La Fuente, Meredith Clark, Isabella Caycedo, Spencer Hornbeck;
Front row. James Ilao, Emily Naivar, Miguel Jimenez, David Martin

Back row. Lilly Tankersley, Dori Soward, Brennan Holloway, Charles Green, Marco Perez
Front Row. Melanie Garcia, Aaron Herrera, Joshua Martinez
Austin Elementary made history by being the first ever winner of the Lamar CISD 5th-grade American History Quiz Bowl. The Austin team defeated the other 23 District k-5 campuses in a test of knowledge of American History. Jennifer Albright is the coach of the Austin team.
Meanwhile, the annual 8th-grade contest continued, with Briscoe Junior High being this year’s winner. Marco de La Fuente coached the Briscoe squad.
The elementary schools competed May 24 via an Internet hookup, with questions being and answered and scored from a central location. There is only one round.
The 8th-graders do two rounds via Internet, with the finals being held May 23 in the Brazos Crossing Administration Building.