Campus News

PTA Fundraiser Information

Sep 08, 2013 | User Not Found

It's Time to "Wrap Up" the Summer and Start Fundraising with INNISBROOK

The Campbell PTA is happy to announce the beginning of its Fall fundraiser! In addition to the wonderful items offered through Innisbrook, we know you will love the opportunity to simply make a donation, should you choose. This fundraiser will continue through September 18, 2013. The money raised from this event will go toward teacher training, parent and student programs, field trips, and much more at Campbell. We would like to thank you for your participation and for supporting our school!

Fundraising Clarification

  • Option #1 (Monetary Donations Only) - Make a one-time 100% monetary donation to the Campbell PTA. Prizes for monetary donations are listed on the neon form in your fundraising packet. Make sure to include your child(rens) names with the donation. Anyone can make a donation to sponsor your child(ren), which will be included and totaled for prizes.
  • Option #2 (Catalog Sales Only) - Innisbrook catalog sales only. Don’t forget to enter your sales online at, then send in a copy of your voucher with your payment. Our school number is 109685. Items will be delivered in early November. An explanation of the prizes is included with the Innisbrook catalog, plus there is an added benefit of going to the gaming truck should your child’s sales total $250+ (or $400+ per family).
  • Option #3 (Combination of both options 1 & 2)


  • Grade level contests will include any and all forms of donation, both catalog sales and flat donations. Multiple children in a family will share the donations evenly.
  • The top class in each grade level will get a choice of rewards such as 30 minutes in the gaming lab, 30 minutes of free play in the gym or recess.
  • The top fundraiser in the school will win a Kindle Fire, any and all fundraisers are included.

PTA Dates to Remember

  • September 18th  Fall fundraiser ends - Money/Orders due
  • September 18th Volunteer Orientation - 10:00 a.m. in Portable #1
  • September 25th  Room Parent Orientation - 10:00 Portable #1