Lamar CISD Board President James Steenbergen and Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle.
After years of demonstrating his passion for learning, his commitment to children and his leadership on the state level, Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle will now have an annual statewide award carry his name.
The Texas Alliance of Black School Educators (TABSE) has created the Dr. Thomas Randle Demonstration District Spotlight and Award program. Each year, school districts from across Texas will vie for the chance for the award and to be a “Randle Demonstration District” and receive the award at the state’s annual conference.
“TABSE and NABSE (National Alliance of Black School Educators) have recognized Demonstration Schools for years,” said TABSE’s Financial Secretary, Dr. Chris Pichon. “However, 2017 was the first year of the TABSE Demonstration District Spotlight. I shared this idea with TABSE President Michael McFarland, and we collaborated with Dr. Randle to spearhead the first spotlight presentation.”
Lamar CISD and three other school districts were selected to present their success regarding school improvement, student achievement and district innovations.
“As a result of his dedication to TABSE and his continuous success as a district leader, we decided to name the honor after Dr. Randle for all future recipients,” Dr. Pichon said.
Moving forward, the process will be competitive. The TABSE conference committee for Demonstration Districts will use similar criteria—improvement, achievement and innovation—to select districts deserving of this award. Districts will have the honor of being a Randle Demonstration District and receive an award at the annual TABSE banquet.
Dr. Randle was a founding member of TABSE, which received its charter in 1986.