Texas House Speaker Joe Straus has appointed Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle to the P-TECH Advisory Council. The representatives of education and industry who serve on the Advisory Council will make recommendations to the Commissioner of Education for the Pathways in Technology Early College High Schools (P-TECH) program.
Under the program, which the Legislature created last year, public school districts and open-enrollment charter schools will be able to apply for the P-TECH designation. P-TECH high schools will offer an open-enrollment program that gives students the opportunity to combine high school and post-secondary courses, as well as internships, apprenticeships or other job training programs. Within six years, students in a P-TECH school will be able to earn a high school diploma, an associate degree or other certificate or industry certification. The students will also complete job training.
"P-TECH Early College High Schools will provide students with the education and hands-on training they need to succeed in education and beyond," Speaker Straus said. "This initiative will also help strengthen the Texas workforce, making our state even more attractive to prospective employers. Our appointees to the Advisory Council have a lot of expertise to share, and I’m grateful that they have stepped forward to serve.”
The Advisory Council will make recommendations to the Commissioner of Education on the establishment and administration of the P-TECH program, as well as develop specific criteria for a campus to receive the P-TECH designation.
The Advisory Council is composed of members appointed by the Governor, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the House.
Click here for more information on P-Tech.