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Campus News

Lamar CISD seeking names for new schools

Jan 05, 2016 | Community Relations

Lamar CISD is seeking nominations for naming the District’s next five elementary schools and next middle school.

Elementary No. 24, located in the Creekside Ranch subdivision, is already under construction and will open during the next school year.

These schools will be built with funds approved by voters as part of the November 2014 Bond. The Board reviews facility names following the passage of each new bond election.

Nominations must be completed and returned to the Lamar CISD Community Relations Department no later than Feb. 5, 2016. 

Before submitting your nomination, please review Board Policy CW (LOCAL) which outlines the requirements for naming a facility. Board Policy CW (LOCAL) is in the process of being updated. While not reflected online, a school can now be named for persons deceased or living. All other criteria remain the same.

For a facility named after a person, the following shall apply:
1. The nominee shall be deceased and shall have attained prominence locally or nationally with local prominence taking precedence in the fields of education, science, art, statesmanship, political science or military achievement;
2. The nominee may have been an early Texas pioneer or an outstanding president of the United States; 
3. The nominee shall have made a significant contribution to society; 
4. The name should lend prestige and status to an institution of learning.
5. The nomination must be presented in a form that contains:
     a. Biographical/historical data; and
     b. Reasons justifying the choice; and
6. For a facility named after a place, the nomination should include its historical relevance.

If you would like to nominate another facility to be named—other than the schools within the 2014 bond—please submit your nomination at this time. The Board will review all “other” nominations, but may or may not take any action. Historically, the Board has only named schools, high school auditoriums and the District athletic stadium. 

Click here for the nomination form and Board Policy CW.