Welcome to B.F. Terry High School

We are delighted that you are visiting the website and will continue to access this valuable information.

Please visit Students & Parents for important school information and forms. Access teacher contact information through Teachers. Go to Skyward Family Access to view grades and attendance by clicking the Family Access tab at the top of the page.

Connect with the Terry High School family by joining us on Facebook (B.F. Terry Ranger Pride) Instagram (@TerryHSRangerPride), and follow us on Twitter (@Terry_Rangers).

Mission Statement

The Mission of Terry High School is to provide a high-quality and innovative academic growth experience for each and every student.

Strategic Vision

At Terry High School, we ground our work in equitable practices, academic excellence, and student agency. Therefore, Terry Rangers will engage in joyful and rigorous learning experiences in Every moment, Every class, Every day.​​


Phelan Elementary Dedication Ceremony

Sep 28, 2022

Start Time
08:30 AM

End Time
09:30 AM

Maxine Phelan Elementary
1600 Great Blue Heron Lane
Richmond ,Texas

View on Map
PHELAN save the date

Terry High School Calendar of Events