
L.E.A.F. delivers more than $300,000 in grants

Nov 18, 2015 | Community Relations
November 12, the Lamar Educational Awards Foundation (L.E.A.F.) gave thanks to teachers across Lamar CISD, delivering a record amount in this year’s Grant Express.

L.E.A.F. awarded $319,509 this year, funding 175 new and innovative programs for the classroom.

In 16 years, L.E.A.F. has awarded more than $2.5 million to Lamar CISD campuses. 

This is my favorite time of the year, said Janice Knight, Executive Director of L.E.A.F. “Seeing excited teachers is a big kick for myself and other L.E.A.F. supporters. And it is a great opportunity to show off the great things happening on our campuses.

“Thanks to the entire community for its continuing support for our students.”

L.E.A.F. will hold its largest annual fundraiser – Men Who Cook – Feb. 20 at Safari Texas Ranch. Sprint Waste is the title sponsor for this year’s event. 

Contact Janice Knight at 862-223-0334 for more information.