Students & Parents

Bell Schedule 2024-25 - Use this schedule to determine determine the time you would meet with a teacher during a conference period, or to attend an Academic Awards Assembly, etc.

Boxtops for Education
- Click here to find out which online stores give Briscoe points when you purchase from their online store.

Parent Online - LCISD's website to view your child's lunch account information, make payments online, run reports of usage, and much much more.

R U Safe? - This resource is sponsored by the TYLA (Texas Young Lawyer's Association). It is designed to educate children and their parents about online dangers and give them the tools needed to be safe while online. It is intended to serve students at every age level (Elementary, Middle School, and High School) and also contain a section for parents. Using experts from law enforcement and child advocacy groups, the video covers such wide-ranging topics as cyber bullying, social networking sites, chat rooms, "sexting", and online predators.
7th Grade Tutoring Schedule 22-23
 - This document is something you can print and put on your refrigerator.  We also print these as large posters and they are located around the building.
8th Grade Tutoring Schedule 22-23 - This document is something you can print and put on your refrigerator.  We also print these as large posters and they are located around the building.

Boxtops for Education - Click the link to find out which products have boxtops on them. Clip them off and turn them into your History Teacher's box for a chance to win a gift card at each 6 weeks Pep Assembly. We give 1st - 2nd - 3rd places for each 6 weeks. Make sure you write your name on the back of each boxtop when you turn it in so you get credit.

Kuder - This tool will be given to each 7th grade student throughout LCISD. The results of the career inventories and the lessons will help provide information to students as they choose a career and develop their 4 year plan in High School. Click the login to sign up and get started. Ask your Texas History teacher for more information.

Crisis Intervention of Houston - Provides a Teen Hotline. Teens can either call (713) 529-TEEN or they can text the word "TEEN" to "78247". This service was paid for by LCISD and the George Foundation to provide assistance to teens who need someone to talk with, but are not sure where to turn. This service is confidential. You are only asked what zip code you are calling from so that statistics can be provided to the district. Please provide them with our zip code "77469".

High Fives - Submit information to the Principal so he can give recognition to the staff here for great things. These are highlighted each week in his weekly newsletter to the staff.

Stop-Walk-Talk.  This website is a secure place for students to report bullying anonymously.  An e-mail is sent to all 3 administrators, both counselors, and security as soon as you submit with all of the information.  You can submit anonymously, or put your name and contact number.