Library Home

Welcome to the Carter Elementary Library

Mission Statement

The mission of Lamar Consolidated ISD Librarians is to create a physical and digital environment in which our students, staff, and community can strengthen their natural inquisitive nature, foster a love of reading, and serve as a collaborative resource for teachers and staff in developing and delivering powerful learning experiences across all curricular areas.

About the Library Program

The Carter Elementary library program aims to grant flexible and open access to all students, as well as instill a love of reading, inspire life-long learning and foster independent use of the library and its resources. The library is an inviting space with multiple learning commons where students may acquire knowledge and gain insight; enjoy a welcoming haven from an academically demanding day; a calm place where they can retreat with a book.

How many books? For how long?

1st semester:
Kindergarten and 1st Grade = 1 book at a time
2nd - 5th grade = 2 books at a time

2nd semester:
1st grade- 5th grade= 2 books at a time

Library materials are due back in two weeks, or may be renewed up to 2 times if there are no hold requests. 

Good Practices: 

1. Students have set days to return their books. Please have them put their book in their backpack the night before. 
2. Please do not eat or drink while reading a Carter library book. 
3. Please do not write or draw in a Carter library book. 




While there is no fine for overdue books, materials overdue by 30 days or more are assumed to be lost and a replacement fee will be assessed. If you feel our records are in error kindly email the librarian. 

Lost a book?

If a book is lost or damaged beyond repair it must be paid for. The librarian will notify you if an Lost/Damaged fine has been placed onto your child's account.  Payment should be in exact cash (change cannot be made). Send the payment to school in a sealed envelope marked "Attention Library." Payment is refundable if a lost book is found and returned in good condition on or before the last day of school of the current school year. 

In Lieu of sending cash to the school you can also purchase a book to replace the one lost at Support Our Library:

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