School Mission

At Foster High School we prioritize student learning through a commitment to excellence, innovative teaching, collaboration, continuous improvement, and by fostering a safe and respectful environment for all.

School Vision

Prepare and empower students for a productive future and to contribute meaningfully to a global society.

Welcome to Foster High School

Thank you for visiting our website. Please visit the Students & Parents section for important information. Access to teacher email addresses can be found by clicking here.

To stay up-to-date on your child's grades and attendance, please log in to your Skyward Family Access Account. To stay up-to-date on your child's classroom activities, please log in to your Canvas parent account.

ID Badges

Students must wear ID badges at all times. If you have lost your badge or need a temporary badge, click the appropriate below image to get instructions and complete the necessary form to get a new or temporary badge.




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Mark Your Calendars!!

2024-2025 School Year

Friday, January 31 - Early Dismissal

Monday, February 17 - Student Holiday

Friday, February 28 - Early Dismissal

Friday, March 7 - Early Dismissal

March 10-14 - Spring Break

Friday, March 28 - Early Dismissal

Thursday, April 17 - Early Dismissal

Friday, April 18 - Student Holiday

Monday, April 21 - Spring Holiday

Friday, May 22 - Early Dismissal & Last Day of School



Wednesday, March 19 - 11th Grade Only

Spring STAAR

Tuesday, April 8 - English 1

Wednesday, April 9 - English 2

Tuesday, April 15 - Biology

Tuesday, April 22 - US History

Thursday, April 24 - Algebra 1

Friendly Reminders

Just a friendly reminder that Foster High School's doors open at 7:45 am. Students are not allowed to enter the building before 7:45 am. Please do not drop students off before 7:45 am. Students who arrive after the 1st period tardy bell, will need to enter through the front main doors of FHS. This includes seniors who have 1st period off.

Blankets are NOT allowed at Foster High School. Please leave them at home. If blankets are brought to school, they will be taken up and the student will have to pick-up from their Assistant Principal after school.

Foster High School News

Time to celebrate National School Lunch Week

Oct 11, 2016, 11:49 by Community Relations

hub food service workers

In the kitchen at Hubenak Elementary, preparing for National School Lunch Week, are Anna Aguilar, Darline Weist, Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle, Rosalba Medina and Crystal Kilburn.

Time to get out the vote! When children have a voice in school nutrition, they are prepared to make the healthy choices that will govern their future success. This election year, students will declare victory for good nutrition during National School Lunch Week. 

Lamar CISD parents will help students celebrate National School Lunch Week by voting on their favorite school lunch candidate.

Lamar CISD students are “Taking a Parent to Lunch” this Wednesday, Oct. 12. 

The Vote for a Winning Lunch is presented by the Texas Department of Agriculture. The Lamar CISD Food Service Department is offering Texas products all this month. 

Last year, the Food Service Department received the Perfect Peach Award for its efforts to use Texas-grown products in Lamar CISD Cafeterias.

Food Services’ is also holding three contests between schools to encourage some friendly competition. Campus kitchens will be competing in food art, serving line decorations and increased meal participation.

In the kitchen at Hubenak Elementary, preparing for National School Lunch Week, are Anna Aguilar, Darline Weist, Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Randle, Rosalba Medina and Crystal Kilburn.

24-25 Counselor/AP Alpha Split