Foster in the News

Lamar secretaries hosting day of staff development

Feb 10, 2016 | Community Relations
Lamar CISD will host a day of staff development March 5, aimed at teaching educational secretaries learn new skills.

The Lamar Consolidated Educational Support Staff Association (LCESA) and the San Jacinto College Association of Educational Office Personnel are co-sponsors of the professional staff development, custom designed for today’s educational/business office professional. 

The day at Lamar CISD’s Reading Junior High will be an excellent opportunity to network with other Texas Educational Secretaries Association paraprofessionals.

Participants can choose from four offerings during the morning sessions and then four different subjects after lunch.

Subjects include:
• How to thrive and survive during a transition;
• Electronic communication etiquette;
• Being and Excel hero;
• Goal setting; and
• Purchasing for non-purchasing staff.

Contact Marie Enax at [email protected] for more information. The registration deadline is Feb. 26.

Click here for more information and to download the registration form.