Foster in the News

Foster Culinary Arts teacher honored as National Educator of Excellence

Apr 05, 2017 | Community Relations
Jocelyn Aventurado 2

Foster High School’s Jocelyn Aventurado is a National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF) ProStart National Educator of Excellence.  

The state ProStart Coordinator nominated Aventurado, who teaches Culinary Arts at Foster. She was selected by NRAEF “because you demonstrate excellence in the classroom and passion, commitment and creativity in all components of the ProStart program.”

ProStart brings together the restaurant industry and schools, giving students a platform to discover new interests and talents to open doors for fulfilling careers. It provides a curriculum that includes all facets of the industry and sets a high standard of excellence for students and the industry.

As a ProStart National Educator of Excellence, Aventurado receives a free trip and will be honored at the Education Excellence Awards reception and dinner at the InterContinental Hotel in Chicago on May 18. She’ll also participate in special programming, followed by a walking food tour of historic Chicago restaurants. She will also attend the National Restaurant Associations Annual Restaurant Show.

As a ProStart National Educator of Excellence she is also nominated for International Food Manufacturers Association (IMFA) Honors and for the James H. Maynard Award. IFMA presents the Educator of Excellence annually to two ProStart educators. 

Golden Corral presents the James H. Maynard Award, which includes a check for $5,000.