Foster in the News

Celebrate Texas Public Schools

Mar 01, 2018 | Community Relations

With the backing of President Mirabeau Lamar of the Republic of Texas, the act of January 26, 1839 established a system of education endowed by public lands and set aside land for public schools and two universities. Although it was decades before the school system was established, Lamar's advocacy of the program earned for him the nickname "Father of Texas Education."

Texas has historically been dedicated to a strong public education system. Texas Public Schools Week is a tradition begun by the Masonic Lodges of Texas in 1950 and places special emphasis upon education during this celebration of Texas Public Schools. This week marks more than 160 years of a free public education in Texas. 

Lamar CISD is among the more than 1,000 school districts across the state celebrating Texas Public Schools Week during March 2018. This year’s theme—“The Clear Choice for Education”—highlights the opportunities the school children of Texas will have through Texas Public Schools.

In every field—science, engineering, music, technology, etc.—you see the positive effects of Texas Public Schools. Our students, teachers and staff members continue to give us excellent reasons to celebrate their innumerable achievements.

The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees passed a resolution at its February meeting, ingll citizens to reaffirm their commitment to public schools during Celebrate Texas Public Schools Week, February 26 – March 2, 2018 and urged all citizens to support the theme “The Clear Choice for Education,” by taking time to visit our schools to demonstrate to our students the impact public education has had in raising past, present and future generations of Texans.