-Your child is absent: Call to notify the school office. When the child returns to school, send a signed note within 5 school days, giving dates and reason for the absence from a parent, medical professional, or court official.
-Your child is tardy: The child must report to the office for an admittance slip before going to class, preferably with a signed note giving the reason for tardiness. Accumulated time of tardies is calculated by minutes in lost instructional time.
-You need to pick up your child early before dismissal time: Go to the office to sign the child out and wait there for the child. Please be prepared to show photo identification. If it is necessary for someone other than the parent/guardian to pick up your child, that person must be named as an emergency contact. Your child will stay in the classroom until the person is there to pick them up. Request to check out your child must be done 30 minutes prior to dismissal of the school day. Accumulated time of early pick-ups is calculated by minutes in lost instructional time.
-You need to make a change to transportation: Parents must not remove students from a bus line or bus. Any change in transportation arrangements for any student requires a written note or phone call to the front office from the parent 30 minutes prior to dismissal of the school day. Emails will NOT be accepted. Permanent Transportation changes must be made in writing. A Transportation Change Form can be downloaded. See Campus Forms, adjacent to this information.