As the school librarian, I am committed to not only providing support for teaching and learning within the curriculum, but also creating an atmosphere rich with literacy experiences for each and every student for exploration and discovery outside the prescribed program of study. Our bright, inviting library environment has been established as a place where students can practice being effective users of information as well as a setting for students to grow as readers and as lifelong learners.
I am excited and look forward to a terrific year with our Wertheimer Hawks!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have.
Thank you and happy reading!
Tiffani Smith

Want the chance to become a published author? Enter the Young Poets poetry contest! Click here for additional details. All submissions due March 11th!
The 40 Book Challenge
Wertheimer's reading incentive program, The 40 Book Challenge begins TODAY! See your ELA teacher or Mrs. Smith for more details.

Want to learn more about the cool things that you can do within the Destiny Quest program? Click here.
Want to learn how to download and use the Destiny Quest app? Click here.