Lamar CISD Employee Recognition: 15 Years of Service

May 06, 2021 | Community Relations

Each year, Lamar CISD honors employees for their service to the students of Lamar CISD. We’re grateful for the individuals below and thank them for their 15 years of service to our District. 

In 2006, one gallon of gas was right around $2.59 and Crash was the Academy’s choice for “Best Picture.” Fifteen years ago, the world was introduced to the Nintendo Wii, Pluto was deemed a “dwarf planet” and the one billionth song was purchased from Apple iTunes.

These employees also joined Lamar CISD: Robin Adams, Julie Almaraz, Lupita Ayala, Maureen Balogh, Valisha Bean, Mark Benke, Annette Bieda, Diana Bishop, Melissa Boaz, Kristine Bone, Dr. Kathleen Bowen, Dora Camacho, Ann Cantu, Silvia Cardenas, Teri Carwile, Virginia Castillo, Rachel Castillo, Devin Cerny, Julie Chapa, Betsie Chauvin, Elizabeth Cortinez, Ashley Couey, Tammie Crosby, Patricia Daniels, Vilma Dominguez, Julie Downey, Amanda Elliott, Marysol Enriquez, Yvette Ferrer, Jerry Gania, Loree Garcia, Dora Garcia, Veronica Garcia, Brenda Garcia, Nancy Garcia Bodin, Allen Gerbermann, Javonne Grant, Devona Green-Epps, Crystal Guerrero, Raquel Guzman De Garcia, Lance Hale, Jason Hamak, Kimberly Hamilton, David Harper, Gregory Hein, Krystle Henry, Margarite Hernandez, Amy Holik, Phoebe Hollaway, Angela Holmes, Sharon Horn, Julie Horton, Leann Imrie, Deborah Isom, Stacie Johnson, Roy Kloeber, Janis Knuckols, Cheryl Koteras, Sandra Kovar, Betsy Krevosky, Charlotte Layman, Carolyn Linares, Patricia Lozano, Maria Lozano, Delana Lucas, Patricia Martin, Annaliese May, Kevin McAlexander, Raquel McNeal, Pablo Medina, Kimberly Mikeska, Kimberly Moreno, Melissa Morse, Lisa Moss, Kristie Murray, Karen Naivar, Andrea Nelson, Itohan Owen, Vickie Peters, Aide Pinia, Rebecca Pustejovsky, Sylvia Ramos, Margarito Rebeles, Irene Reyes, Wendy Rice Hughes, Serina Rincon, Dr. Jennifer Roberts, Janie Rodriguez, Mackella Rohan, Courtney Ross, Noe Salazar, Mary Saville, Melissa Schmidt, Guadalupe Silva, Julia Smith, Lauren Spinks, Reed Startz, Michelle Steenbergen, Cynthia Stohs, Tommie Tomchesson, Richard Tosch, Carol Townsends, Maria Trevino, Debra Ullmann, Marco Vazquez, Dora Velez, Alice Villegas, Shelley Ward, Crystel Ware, James White, Lydell Wilson and Dawn Woods.