Attendance Office

Frequently Asked Questions..

Please send all student notes and excuses regarding your student’s attendance to:


What if my student is present but marked absent in one of their classes?
Student will need to discuss absence with assigned teacher. Once addressed teacher will email the clerks to make adjustments.

When my child is sick do I need to call in?
Lamar does not require you to call in. Simply, email attendance clerks with student name and student ID in subject line. Give the date with reason student will not be present in school with parent name and contact phone number.

Do I need to send a note?
Yes, notes are required explaining any absence. Even if you pick your student up early from school, a note is required when they return to school. A parent note will suffice if you do not think the illness warrants a visit to the doctor. If your student does see their doctor, please bring the original “Return to School” note from the doctor. If your student is not sick but misses school for other documented purposes, official documents are required to excuse the absence, such as original court documents excusing student from school, signed by the court clerk, religious leaders, etc. (Please refer to the Attendance Policy in the Secondary Student Handbook for specifics) 

What if I forget a note?
You have FIVE school days to bring notes in to the attendance office. No exceptions. Fax copies are accepted only if they come directly from the doctor's office. If you need to keep the original document for any reason, present the original to us and we will make the copy for our files. When a student reaches three absences per semester, the parent will receive written notification of absences. After reaching the maximum number of allowable absences in the semester, parent(s) will be notified by letter of the student’s attendance record and the possible consequences for his/her absences. 

What if my student is out for an extended illness or extenuating circumstances?
You may “Appeal” the absences for medical reasons or certain extenuating circumstances. You will need original medical notes for back-up. There is a link on the Attendance Page for the Appeals Form and Appeals Process is explained in the 2021-2022 LCISD Secondary Student Handbook.
English Version of Handbook
Spanish Version of Handbook in development
What is the procedure if my child needs to be released from school early?
Your student should bring a note from home explaining when you will be picking them up. This note should be brought to the reception area first thing in the morning, so that we can call and confirm the note. If your student will be driving themselves to an appointment we will need a number to contact you before we can release the student and they will receive an off campus pass. To the event that you are picking them up,  you will need to come in and sign them out. Please be prepared to show a valid State Issued Photo ID; this is LCISD policy and we enforce it at Lamar. We also accept phone calls for early release, advance notice is appreciated and will help expedite the process, but will not take precedence over parents who are already waiting. Students will be released in order of parent’s arrival.

*Every student is required to sign in and out at the reception area. No exceptions! Unless going to the tardy calculator.

Can I send in someone other than myself to pick up my student?
We will not release students to anyone other than those listed on the Emergency Contact card. We do not accept phone calls requesting us to do so. We DO accept a student to bring in a written request from home that is signed and dated (ONLY AS A ONE TIME PICK-UP). The student must bring the request to the Attendance Office in the morning. The person’s name should be clearly written on the request and it will need to match the name on their State Issued Picture ID, which will be required at the time of pick-up. If you are unsure who is on your list, please feel free to call us. If you want to update the list you need to visit the Registrar's office in person. Any special situations need to be arranged in advance through your student's Assistant Principal. 

How late can I pick up my student?
We will only call students out of class before 3:25 pm. The afternoons get very busy, and many times your students are outside or in other areas where they are not easily notified. Please let us know as early as possible if you are picking up your student.
*We WILL not allow a student to be signed out after 3:25 pm.

If the school nurse sends my student home is it an absence?
Yes. The school nurse rarely “sends” a student home ill. The nurse will always notify a parent in the event a student becomes sick at school. If the nurse determines the student to be running a fever or has become contagious, she will have the student picked up and a written excuse is still required. If the parent decides the student needs to go home, the parent needs to send a written excuse to cover the absence.

**If your student is running late to school, a parent note needs to be written to excuse any tardy or absences accumulated. If they are 15 minutes late (TARDY) or less, they must report directly to the Attendance Office for a TARDY pass. If they are more than 15 minutes late to class or miss the last 15 minutes or more, they are absent and will need a written excuse. As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your student’s attendance please feel free to give us a call anytime. Our hours are 7:30 am to 4:00 pm.

Contact Us

Monday - Friday
7:45am - 3:45pm

Lydia Almazan
Attendance Clerk