

Lamar CISD Announces the 2023-2024 Teachers and Support Staff Members of the Year

May 02, 2024 | Lamar CISD Communications

May 2, 2024Rosenberg, Texas – This week, Lamar CISD announced the 2023-2024 Teachers and Support Staff Members of the Year during the annual awards banquet. After a rigorous selection process the following individuals were selected from across the District: 

Elementary Teacher of the Year  
Shaniea Pennygraph- Compaore  
Phelan Elementary School, 5th Grade Teacher 

Secondary Teacher of the Year 
Cristian Driver 
Terry High School, Math Teacher 

Elementary Support Staff Member of the Year 
Lorena Lynch 
Ray Elementary School, Nurse 

Secondary Support Staff Member of the Year 
Dustin Black 
Wright Junior High School, Campus Behavior Coordinator 

Rookie of the Year 
Tanya Cisneros  
Randle High School, Life Skills 

Each campus nominated an individual to represent their school, then each nominee had the opportunity to apply for a District level title. Only the top individuals represented each color track as finalists. 

“As an educator, I have the privilege and responsibility to nurture my students' resilience and guide and support them as they grow into confident, capable individuals,” Phelan Elementary teacher, Shaniea Pennygraph - Compaore said. 

These are the highest district honors awarded to employees and those selected have shown tremendous dedication to their campus throughout the school year. 

 “This recognition is a testament to the commitment of our educators and staff at Lamar CISD to create a safe and fun learning environment for our students and campuses,” Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Roosevelt Nivens said.  

 The generous sponsors for the awards banquet include Brazos Valley Schools Credit Union and Gulf Coast Educators Federal Credit Union who provided tokens of appreciation to all awardees. Additionally, PBK and the Lamar Educational Awards Foundation sponsored a portion of the event. 

For a full list of campus winners and photos, please click HERE.  

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