

Lamar CISD Invites You to the Biggest Job Fair of the School Year

May 14, 2024 | Lamar CISD Communications

May 14, 2024Rosenberg, Texas – Lamar CISD is hosting the biggest job fair of the 2023-2024 school year and is inviting job seekers to register and learn more about the many career paths available. 

The upcoming job fair will take place on Wednesday, May 15, from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Reading Junior High located at 8101 FM 762 in Richmond, Texas. Lamar CISD seeks candidates in many areas including teachers, librarians, custodial, maintenance, and transportation staff. 

“Individuals are facing job losses as nearby districts implement substantial budget cuts,” Lamar CISD Human Resources Recruiter Jose Sanchez-Garcia said. “Here at Lamar CISD, we have a variety of jobs available in all lines of work.” 

During the 2023-2024 school year, Lamar CISD was classified as a hypergrowth district according to the latest demographic report. As the District's current enrollment numbers continue to rise, so does the number of campuses. Lamar CISD is opening four new campuses in the fall of 2024. As the growth continues, so does the need for staff.  

“As our community grows, our District continues to surpass the needs of the school year before,” Lamar CISD Superintendent Dr. Roosevelt Nivens said. “We are seeking individuals who want the best for our students, but also help us inspire innovative ideas that support our mission.” 

All applicants are encouraged to bring copies of their resume as they meet one-on-one with Human Resources recruiters. There will also be campus and district representatives, including teacher certification programs, who will meet with attendees at the fair. 

 To register for the job fair, please click HERE

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