Lamar CISD is among the fastest-growing school districts in the state. A large number of residential developments are under construction or in the planning stages throughout the Lamar CISD community. The District must continue providing all students with a quality education. In a growing school system, it is inevitable that the district’s attendance zones will change to accommodate the growth. As new schools open and population shifts occur, the District may adjust attendance zones.
In August 2023, we will open Adriane Mathews Gray Elementary School. To create the roster of students who will attend this new school, we will need to rezone to pull students from existing, surrounding campuses. In addition, we are rezoning additional campuses to more evenly distribute enrollment across our elementary schools. Currently, one-third of Lamar CISD’s elementary schools are over capacity. Several schools, however, are well under their enrollment caps. By rezoning, students at all impacted schools can receive improved learning experiences. Rezoning to more evenly distribute our students across schools will relieve stretched resources and overcrowded classrooms in schools currently over enrollment and will increase per-capita funds and resources to schools currently under-enrollment
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of Gray.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Bowie, Culver, Taylor Ray, and Meyer Elementaries which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins in August 2023.
Click HERE to view a map of the approved attendance zones.