October 27, 2023
Since our last update in June, our team has continued working diligently on a host of construction, technology, and transportation projects across the District including those from the 2017, 2020 and 2022 Bonds. We encourage you to stay informed using any method below:
In this video, we’ve provided an update on completed, active, and upcoming projects below:
Completed Projects
Active Projects
Upcoming Projects
No matter the progress, one thing remains the same – we work better when we have your support and involvement. Stay tuned for our next update in December.
June 30, 2023
In our second quarterly update, we want to share fresh progress for technology and construction projects taking place during the summertime. Our community may notice exterior changes when driving by developing sites, but we would also like to highlight the upgrades going on inside of our buildings and classrooms.
We remain committed to positive community engagement, and we understand this bond is an investment that deserves full transparency and accountability.
Together, we continue to emphasize the impact of your tax dollars and keep you informed as we move from planning to progress.
We encourage you to stay informed using any method below:
In this video, we share a host of completed, active and upcoming projects including those from the 2017, 2020 and 2022 Bonds.
Completed Projects
Active Projects
Upcoming Projects
We are grateful for your engagement throughout this process, and we look forward to our next update in September. Remember to visit our bond dashboard and website for additional information and real-time progress on all bond projects.
Stay connected and watch us build on our proud tradition of excellence as we move from planning to progress throughout 2023.
April 19, 2023
We are making headway on Bond 2022 projects, and as good stewards of your tax dollars, we want to make it easy for our parents, staff, and community to stay informed as we go from planning to progress.
We value community engagement and support whether it is for an event, serving on a committee or voting in a bond election. In the spirit of transparency, we want the community to see their tax dollars at work.
There are a few ways to stay informed:
In this first quarterly update, we would like to share a host of completed, active and upcoming projects including those from the 2017, 2020 and 2022 Bonds.
Completed Projects
Active Projects
Upcoming Projects
While our vision for the future is strong, we must take the opportunity now to plan and do what’s necessary to ensure that every student has access to state-of-the-art instructional facilities and technology infrastructure.
We know this will keep our students competitive and well-equipped to handle the challenges of the global workforce.
We are grateful for your support. Your bond dollars are already making a difference. We look forward to a powerful partnership as we build a brighter future for all our students.
Stay connected and watch us build on our proud tradition of excellence as we move from planning to progress throughout 2023.
Propositions A, B & C
Safety and Security
Elementary #35 - Peek & Beechnut
Elementary #36 - Cross Creek West
Elementary #37 - TBD
Elementary #38 - TBD
Foster 500 Seat Addition
George Ranch 500 Seat Addition
Fulshear 1,000 Seat Addition
Randle 500 Seat Addition
Middle #7 - FM 723 & Bellaire
High School, Junior High and Middle School #8 - TBD
6 land sites
Elementary Site 1
Elementary Site 2
Elementary Site 3
Elementary Site 4
Secondary Site 1
Secondary Site 2
Portable Buildings
Brazos Crossing Addition
Transportation Buses
Technology Infrastructure
Secondary Network Fiber Connections
MDF/IDF Refresh - Physical space, power and equipment upgrades
Wireless Additions, Additional wireless access points as needed
Badge Reader Refresh - Replacing end of life equipment
Server/Storage Infrastructure - Local storage of date to improve service to campuses
2020 Bond Inflation Coverage
Tomas High School Construction
Transportation #3 Construction
Career and Technology Center
Technology Devices
7027 Student Laptops
503 Staff Laptops
4000 Desktop Computers
250 iPads
200 Student Laptop Cart Updates
600 Interactive Flat Panels (Smart and Promethean)
50 Digital Signage Updates
Graphic Arts Printers