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Canvas FAQs English

Canvas Frequently Asked Questions (English)

Q1. How do I log in?

Please make sure you are logging into the LCISD institution (canvas) and using the entire email address that is listed as your Web Access email in Skyward.  You DO NOT use your Skyward username for Canvas.

  • You can find the email address you need by logging into Skyward.
  1. Select My Account from the menu options in the upper-right of the screen.
  2. Locate your Email address under Account Settings.

Accounts settings 

Step 1

  1. Check to make sure you are logging into the Lamar CISD institution.
  2. Select Forgot Password.

Forgot password 

Step 2

A new window will refresh:

  1. Enter your entire email address in the Username field.
  2. Select Request Password.

Change password


An email will be sent to that email address from Canvas with a link to reset your password.  The amount of time it takes for the email to arrive is dependent on how busy the system is.  We have seen it vary from a few minutes to a number of hours. 

Q3. Is there an app I can use on my Smartphone?

There are a couple of different apps available to download for both android and iOS devices. We suggest using the Canvas Student app as it has more features available to you. You will still log in with your observer account credentials. Click the appropriate link to download the app for your device:

Android Devices - Student app

Google Play


Q4. How do I learn more about Canvas?

Once you are logged into your observer account, you will have access to a course called The Canvas Toolbox. 

This course is designed to introduce you to Canvas, the district's Learning Management System (LMS).  Videos and guides are provided that will help you learn  how navigate Canvas and interact with its content.  It will also provide information on how to change your notification settings.


Q5. Why does my child get an "Access Denied" screen when trying to submit an assignment or take a quiz?

In most cases, the "Access Denied" screen will appear for one of two reasons:

  1. Canvas is being logged into with an observer account and not the student's credentials.  Observers are not allowed to access assessments.  Please be sure your child is logged in with their credentials. 
  2. The item you are trying to access has not been published or you are trying to access it on a date that is outside the set availability dates.  Please reach out to the teacher in these situations.

To learn more, .  You will be prompted to log into Canvas.


Q6. Why don't I receive announcements or other notifications from my child's teacher?

You may not have the correct notification settings checked for your observer account. You have control over what you will receive notifications for. To learn more, CLICK HERE. You will be prompted to log into Canvas.


Q7. How do I get notifications sent to my phone as text messages?

You will need to add your cell phone as a point of contact in your account settings before you will receive text message notifications.  Normal text messaging fees will apply.  To learn more, CLICK HERE.  You will be prompted to log into Canvas.

You may also have to activate additional notification settings.  To learn more about this process, CLICK HERE.  You will be prompted to log into Canvas.


Q8. Why won't images load in Canvas?

There are a number of possible reasons as to why images are not displaying in Canvas, from your network connection to the type of computer or browser you are using.  To explore these reasons, CLICK HERE.  You will be prompted to log into Canvas.