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Professional Learning - Online Opportunities

Online Learning


There are many online learning opportunities available outside of the district. Be aware, however, that any training taking place outside of the district, unless it is on the pre-approved Professional Development list in Kickup, must receive approval PRIOR to attending.

  • Teachers must obtain prior approval by submitting the Out of District Request in Kickup. All “Out of District Professional Development” requests must be submitted for pre-approval at least two weeks in advance. Once approved, the request will be converted from PENDING to APPROVED in the system.
  • If training/conferences are held during contract time, the teacher must obtain prior approval from his/her principal.
  • Any training taken from these providers must directly relate to the campus/district goals and initiatives and the individual teacher’s T-TESS.


Directions for how to submit your out-of-district request, as well as how to upload your completion documentation, can be found here:


If approval is not received prior, and if ALL requirements highlighted in the LCISD Professional Learning Manual are not met, your request for credit will not be approved.

Online Learning Opportunities

Online Learning

The online learning opportunities listed below are APPROVED by the district. Courses from these providers can be taken WITHOUT prior approval. It is still your responsibility to submit your information into Kickup and upload your completion documentation. 

  • is an award-winning professional learning network that makes it easy to collaborate, engage in peer-to-peer learning, and share innovative ideas and resources. Their edWebinars provide anytime learning with CE certificates for your PD hours! 

    Create an Account

    Go to Select the Member Login button in the upper right of the screen. Login


    Login to your account. If you do not have one, select the option to join.

    Login or Join


    Search for Sessions

    Once logged in, select the CE Certificates option from the menu to view webinar options.

    CE Certificates

    You can search for live webinars to attend OR review past webinars that have been recorded.

    Live Webinars or Recordings


    Live Webinars

    Use the filter options at the top of the page to narrow your search. Select an option that addresses needs for your position and has a time that fits your schedule. Complete the registration process. When the time arrives, watch the webinar and complete the quiz to earn your certificate.

    Live Webinars


    Recorded Options

    You can view past recordings as well. Use the filter options at the top to narrow your search. Select an option that addresses needs for your position. View the recording. Then pass the quiz to earn your certificate.

    Recorded Webinars


    After completing the course, download your certificate and submit it to Kickup for credit.


  • SafeSchools Logo

    SafeSchools Training, accessible via Classlink, offers more than just the mandatory compliance training for the start of the year. It provides a variety of additional courses, including topics like Behavior, Dyslexia, and ADHD.

    To explore these options, log in to your SafeSchools account through Classlink and select the "Extra Training" option from the left-hand menu. You'll find a range of courses available. Choose the one you're interested in to view its details and begin your training.

    SafeSchools Extra Training Options

    After completing the course, download your certificate and submit it to Kickup for credit.

  • Texas SPED Support

    The Texas S{ED Support website provides resources for educators, families, and administrators to better understand the special education process which, in turn, provides better support for our students. There are learning opportunities that can be completed for credit on their site as well. 

    Create an Account

    If you do not have an account, you will first need to create one. go to, select Sign in, and the Create New Account option. Then enter your information.

    Create an Account


    Search for a Learning Opportunity

    Once logged in, select the Learning tab to access the site’s learning opportunities. You can search for a specific topic or use the filters provided to narrow your options. Once you have found an option you are interested in, select it. Your experience may be a bit different based on whether the option you select is a collection or a single course. For this example we will be choosing a collection.

    Choose an option


    You will see an overview of the collection. Toward the bottom are individual courses that live within the collection. Choose the course you wish to take.

    Choose a Course


    An overview of the course is provided. Select View Course to continue.

    View Course


    You can now enroll in the course.



    After completing the course, download your certificate and submit it to Kickup for credit.