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Student-Teaching Observations

Instructions for Student Observers

The following instructions apply to individuals who must complete observation hours in order to satisfy college course requirements.

  • Complete the Student Teaching/Observation Application
  • Complete the Observation Request Form
  • Observation requests are accepted at the beginning of each semester term.
  •  Fall observations begin after the third week in September and end the last week of November.
  • Spring observations begin the third week in January and end the last week of March.
  • LCISD will not approve more than 30 hours per semester per student and is limited to the number of observers per campus. Placements are on a first come first serve basis for those who have provided all the requested information.
  • Submitting all requirements is the responsibility of the observer.
  • Observations are not scheduled during summer school.
  • You will be contacted by the Human Resources department within 3 to 5 business days via email.

Observation Guidelines

The following guidelines apply to student teacher observations.

  1. Complete student teacher or observation application.
  2. Personal cell phone use during observations is prohibited.
  3. Follow the campus check in procedures which requires your driver’s license.
  4. Remember that all student information is confidential.
  5. You may only observe at the campuses provided to you by the Human Resources contact person. You are not to make requests for other campuses.
  6. You may not observe in your child’s classroom.
  7. Approved observation time frames are by semester and do not extend into another semester.
  8. The campus administrator has the authority to deny or discontinue requests for observation hours.
  9. Respect the campus, students, classrooms and teachers you will be assigned to observe.
  10. Be mindful that it is in your best interest to observe multiple school districts.

Instructions for Student Teacher Placement

The following instructions apply to students enrolled in a university or alternative certification program.

  1. Complete student teacher or observation application
  2. After you have submitted the Application, your university or alternative certification program director should contact Irene Salinas, Human Resources Clerk, with an official request for your placement.  This request must be sent via email to or by mail to 3911 Ave I, Rosenberg, TX 77471 and must contain the following:
    • Contact information for university or alternative certification program director
    • First and last name of the candidate
    • Pending certification
    • Preferred campuses
    • Preferred subject
    • Number of placements required
    • Date student teaching assignment will begin and end
  3. Once the above information has been received, details regarding your placement will be sent to your program director.