In a growing school system, it is inevitable that the district’s attendance zones will change to accommodate the growth. As new schools open and population shifts occur, the District may adjust attendance zones. With Bernard Clifton Terrell Jr. Elementary opening in August 2024, and Elementary School #35 opening in August 2025, Lamar CISD needs to rezone some elementary campuses to create the population of students attending these new campuses.
Terrell Elementary School will be located at 26229 Fulshear Gaston Road. Elementary School #35 will be located at Bellaire Boulevard at FM 723.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of these elementary campuses.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Adolphus, Bentley, Hubenak, and McNeill Elementary Schools which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins in August 2024.
⤓ Board Approved Attendance Zones
⤓ Rezoning Process & Committee Information
In a growing school system, it is inevitable that the district’s attendance zones will change to accommodate the growth. As new schools open and population shifts occur, the District may adjust attendance zones. With Willie Melton and Viola Gilmore Randle Elementary Schools opening in August 2024, and Elementary School #36 opening in August 2025, Lamar CISD needs to rezone some elementary campuses to create the population of students attending these new campuses.
Melton Elementary School will be located at 2880 Jordan Ranch Boulevard. Randle Elementary School will be located at 5902 Sycamore Ranch Lane. Elementary School #36 will be located at Cross Creek West in Fulshear.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of these elementary campuses.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Huggins, Lindsey, and Tamarron Elementary Schools which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins in August 2024.
⤓ Board Approved Attendance Zones
⤓ Rezoning Process & Committee Information
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.05.24
⤓ Rezoning Timeline
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.05.24
⤓ Committee Roster
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.07.24
⤓ Projections & Map Options
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.07.24
In a growing school system, the district’s attendance zones will inevitably change to accommodate the growth. As a hypergrowth district, we are experiencing significant enrollment increases in some areas. As a result, some schools are over capacity while others have available capacity. The Board may consider leveling plans to balance student enrollment across campuses and alleviate overcrowding.
The district’s process is to collect feedback from community stakeholders regarding attendance boundary options. We specifically look to include parents from the potentially impacted campuses/areas.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the leveling process.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new attendance zones that will impact Austin, Frost, Jackson, Long, Pink, Smith, and Travis Elementary Schools which will go into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.
⤓ Board Approved Attendance Zones
⤓ Rezoning Process & Committee Information
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.19.24
⤓ Leveling Timeline
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.19.24
⤓ Committee Roster
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.21.24
⤓ Projections & Map Options
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.21.24
In a growing school system, the district’s attendance zones will inevitably change to accommodate the growth. As a hypergrowth district, we are experiencing significant enrollment increases in some areas. As a result, some schools are over capacity while others have available capacity. The Board may consider leveling plans to balance student enrollment across campuses and alleviate overcrowding. The district’s process is to collect feedback from community stakeholders regarding attendance boundary options. We specifically look to include parents from the potentially impacted campuses/areas.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the leveling process.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new attendance zones that will impact Campbell, Carter, Dickinson, Hutchison, Velasquez, and Williams Elementary Schools, which will go into effect for the 2024-2025 school year.
⤓ Board Approved Attendance Zones
⤓ Rezoning Process & Committee Information
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.26.24
⤓ Leveling Timeline
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.26.24
⤓ Committee Roster
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 02.27.24
⤓ Projections & Map Options
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 02.27.24
Tomas High School will open in August 2025 with students from grades 9 to 12 (which are the students who are currently in grades 7-10). But if a student will be a senior for the 2025-2026 school year, they can remain at their current campus. Also, some students in sports or other UIL activities might have the opportunity to stay at their current school if they meet certain criteria, which will be shared later this school year.
The complex containing Tomas High School, Banks Junior High, and Bielstein Middle School will be located at 24730 Easton Ramsey Way.
The School Board recently decided to use our traditional approach to rezone to create the attendance boundary for Tomas High School. So, the district will continue to have separate attendance boundaries for elementary and secondary schools.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new attendance zones for Tomas HS, Banks JH, and Bielstein MS, which will go into effect for the 2025-2026 school year.
⤓ Board Approved Attendance Zones
⤓ Rezoning Process & Committee Information
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 04.04.24
⤓ Rezoning Timeline
⤓ Meeting Presentation – 04.04.24
⤓ Committee Roster
⤓ Meeting Agenda – 04.09.24
⤓ Projections & Map Options
⤓Meeting Presentation – 04.09.24
Lamar CISD is among the fastest-growing school districts in the state. A large number of residential developments are under construction or in the planning stages throughout the Lamar CISD community. The District must continue providing all students with a quality education. In a growing school system, it is inevitable that the district’s attendance zones will change to accommodate the growth. As new schools open and population shifts occur, the District may adjust attendance zones.
In August 2023, we will open Adriane Mathews Gray Elementary School. To create the roster of students who will attend this new school, we will need to rezone to pull students from existing, surrounding campuses. In addition, we are rezoning additional campuses to more evenly distribute enrollment across our elementary schools. Currently, one-third of Lamar CISD’s elementary schools are over capacity. Several schools, however, are well under their enrollment caps. By rezoning, students at all impacted schools can receive improved learning experiences. Rezoning to more evenly distribute our students across schools will relieve stretched resources and overcrowded classrooms in schools currently over enrollment and will increase per-capita funds and resources to schools currently under-enrollment
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of Gray.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Bowie, Culver, Taylor Ray, and Meyer Elementaries which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins in August 2023.
Click HERE to view a map of the approved attendance zones.
⤓ Gray ABC Presentation 01-10-23
⤓ Gray ABC Presentation 01-12-23
⤓ Updated Gray Attendance Boundary – All Options
⤓ Gray ES Draft Zoning Options Packet
⤓ Gray Elementary Attendance Boundary Committee
⤓ Gray Elementary Attendance Boundary Timeline
⤓ Gray Elementary Attendance Boundary Committee & Rezoning Options Board Presentation 12-13-22
Lamar CISD is among the fastest-growing school districts in the state. A large number of residential developments are under construction or in the planning stages throughout the Lamar CISD community. The District must continue providing all students with a quality education. In a growing school system, it is inevitable that the district’s attendance zones will change to accommodate the growth. As new schools open and population shifts occur, the District may adjust attendance zones.
In August 2023, we will open Adriane Mathews Gray Elementary School. To create the roster of students who will attend this new school, we will need to rezone to pull students from existing, surrounding campuses. In addition, we are rezoning additional campuses to more evenly distribute enrollment across our elementary schools. Currently, one-third of Lamar CISD’s elementary schools are over capacity. Several schools, however, are well under their enrollment caps. By rezoning, students at all impacted schools can receive improved learning experiences. Rezoning to more evenly distribute our students across schools will relieve stretched resources and overcrowded classrooms in schools currently over enrollment and will increase per-capita funds and resources to schools currently under-enrollment
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of Gray.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Bowie, Culver, Taylor Ray, and Meyer Elementaries which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins in August 2023.
Click HERE to view a map of the approved attendance zones.
Lamar CISD is proud to be the number one fastest growing district of our size in the state of Texas. In fact, demographers project that our community will add more than 48,000 new single-family homes within the next decade. Since 2020, Lamar CISD has had the greatest number of new housing starts of any school district in the Houston metro area and the State of Texas.
To keep up with our growth, we are frequently building and opening new schools—while regularly reviewing and monitoring enrollment.
In August 2022, we will open Maxine Phelan Elementary School. To create the roster of students who will attend this new school, we had to rezone to pull students from existing, surrounding campuses. In addition, we are rezoning additional campuses to more evenly distribute enrollment across our elementary schools.
We appreciate everyone who provided input during the recent attendance boundary committee meetings and the rezoning process for the opening of Phelan.
The Lamar CISD Board of Trustees has approved new elementary attendance zones that will impact Arredondo, Hutchison, Phelan, Thomas and Williams Elementary which will go into effect at the start of the next school year which begins on August 22, 2022.
Click HERE to view a map of the attendance zones.
⤓ Phelan Attendance Boundary Committee Presentation - January 2022
⤓ Consider Approval of Attendance Boundary for Phelan Elementary School
⤓ Consider approval of Attendance Boundary for Phelan Elementary School CS