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Credit by Exam

World Languages Credit By Exam

What is Credit by Exam (CBE) for World Languages?

Credit by exam (CBE) is one method for students to demonstrate proficiency in a language. The Texas Education Code (TEC), §28.023, allows students to either accelerate a grade level or earn credit for a language course based on credit by examination.

Who may apply?

World language examinations are available for any student in grades 8 – 12 who is a native speaker in a foreign language or has traveled or studied in a foreign country. Students may apply for examinations with counselor, principal, and parent approval. Students must apply through the school counselor.

What languages are available?

Lamar CISD currently offers CBE credit in Spanish, French, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese, Persian, and Portuguese.

For more information about CBE’s, please see the Lamar CISD Assessment department.