Lamar CISD elementary schools will host Pre-K Round-Up registration from April 22 - May 2, 2025 at your home campus.
This early registration process helps the district plan for enrollment growth and staffing needs.
Online registration in Skyward Family Access Center will be available starting April 1, 2025 and must be completed prior to visiting your campus to finalize registration. Enrollment & Transfers
If you have questions, please contact your home campus.
Limited English Proficient because a language other than English is the primary language spoken in the home. Students qualifying by language (English Learner Qualifier Pre-K) will be tested to determine placement in the program, or
Qualify according to the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines. Parents must bring proof of income (documentation for at least one month of income). Proof of income can include current check stubs, child support statement of payment, SNAP qualification letter, etc., or
Be homeless, or
Is or has ever been in a conservatorship of the Dept. of Family and Protective Services in Texas or any other state, or
Is the dependent child of an active U.S. Armed Forces member, or the dependent of a U.S. Armed Forces member that has been injured or killed while on active duty, or
Is the child of a person eligible for the Star of Texas Award as:
a peace officer under Section 3106.002, Government Code;
a firefighter under Section 3106.003, Government Code; or
an emergency medical first responder under Section 3106.004, Government Code.
Parents/Guardians can register online beginning April 1. Once Lamar CISD campuses resume normal operations, you will need to bring the following documents to your home campus to verify registration:
Certified birth certificate
Proof of address such as a utility bill or lease agreement; a fixed utility bill indicating service at a verifiable address within the boundaries of Lamar CISD (natural gas, electricity, or water service). Phone, cable, internet, or satellite services are not considered fixed utilities and cannot be considered.
Immunization Record
Proof of income
Parent ID
Please provide a copy of any of the acceptable documents to campus personnel.
Acceptable documentation of earnings (wages and salary) include:
Current paycheck stub or
Current tax return if self-employed or
Current TANF or SNAP eligibility letter or
Unemployment, Worker’s Compensation or Disability payment stub
Acceptable documentation for self-employment income include:
Business or farming documents, such as ledger books and/or self-issued paycheck stub or
Last year’s tax return (self-employment)
Acceptable documentation for cash income include:
A letter from the employer stating wages paid and frequency
Acceptable documentation for eligibility for Star of Texas Award:
Resolution (certificate) awarded to an individual serves as proof of eligibility
Acceptable additional documentation for eligibility for Military: