AVID stands for "Advancement Via Individual Determination" and it is a college-preparation program designed to ensure students are academically and socially prepared for success in college. AVID classes are part of the regular class schedule and are an approved course that receives credit in Texas. AVID students take the most rigorous classes they can and receive time in AVID to collaborate with their peers and with college tutors. The program also ensures students are aware of all the necessary steps they must take to be admitted to a four-year university, including helping students to prepare for the PSAT/SAT and ACT tests. Additionally, students learn about different university and colleges, careers, and majors. They receive help choosing the major that is right for them, and get help with university admissions essays, scholarship applications, financial aid and much more!
AVID District Coordinator: Anthony Yim anthony.yim@lcisd.org
LCHS Coordinator: Vilan Sells vilan.sells@lcisd.org
Terry HS Coordinator: Dione Serrano dione.serrano@lcisd.org
GRHS Coordinator: Becca Lazarou rebecca.lazarou@lcisd.org
Fulshear HS Coordinator: Donald Lindsey donald.linsey@lcisd.org
Randle HS Coordinator: Calvin Williams calvin.williams@lcisd.org
Foster HS Coordinator: Paula Williams paula.williams@lcisd.org
For more information on AVID visit AVID
For research on why AVID ís effective visit: Research AVID