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Professional Learning

Innovative Learning

Professional Learning

Professional Learning Vision

To develop and empower district personnel with high-quality, innovative, ongoing professional learning opportunities which connects empolyees with the skills and knowledge needed to inspire a culture of continuous growth.

LCISD - Student Centered


Have a question? Contact Us:

Creighton Jaster
Director of Innovative Learning

Ashli Shane
Administrative Assistant

  • To inspire, support, and develop the professional growth of Lamar Consolidated ISD educators as they help students achieve high standards of learning.

  • The purpose of professional development in the Lamar Consolidated Independent School District is to increase the effectiveness of all who are engaged in the teaching-learning process. Each member of the professional staff will develop his/her knowledge, skills, and behavior to effectively accomplish their professional responsibilities, while building a strong, collaborative work culture that will develop a long-term capacity for change.

  • Being a professional in the field of edcation requires a commitment to continued learning and growth. Lamar Consolidated ISD believes that effective employee learning leads to excellent teaching practices, therefore student success. The professional development plan supports professional growth for all employees with professional learning offerings, new teacher support, and instructional support. Professional development in this district will be:

    • Evidence-based
    • Data driven
    • Job-embedded with coaching opportunities for follow-up
    • Standards-based
    • Continuously evaluated for effectiveness
  • Norms are the standards or expectations by which individuals have agreed to operate while working together. Norms help maximize productivity and effectiveness in a positive setting and ensure indiviuals are respected. They place responsibility on individuals for expected behavior, helping to build community in the group and, at the same time, allow for risk taking. The following district norms have been established to guide our professional learning activities: 

    • Honor the time scheduled.
    • Share ideas and opinions honestly and openly.
    • Assume positive intent.
    • Take care of yourself.
    • Keep electronic device use to a minimum.
    • Be fully present.
    • What is said here, stays here. What is learned here, leaves here.
    • Demonstrate mutual respect.
    • Keep a district perspective in mind; not just a particular campus.
  • Kickup Icon

    Lamar Consolidated ISD tracks all learning opportunities in Kickup, which is accessible through Classlink. Within Kickup you can:

    Kickup has a tremendous help section that contains step-by-step directions, videos, and more. Visit their help section for all of your needs. You can access the Help topics from their main menu once you have logged in through Classlink. Select Help topics from the bottom left in the menu.

    Kickup Help

  • If you are new to the district, Jamie Vincek and our Talent Development department will be able to provide some guidance and steps to get you started. You can find their contact information, and more, here on our website:

    Talent Development