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McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act

Contact Information

If you have questions about the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, please contact our office.

Dr. Marva O’Neal
Director of State and Federal Programs/Homeless Liaison

Jennifer Inabnit-Serna
McKinney-Vento Student Support Specialist


Community Resources

Common Threads
LCISD Clothing Assistance Program: Clothing, shoes, undergarments, and other resources upon request/availability.

Fort Bend Family Promise
Assist homeless families and families in crisis

Fort Bend Social Services
Financial emergency assistance with pharmaceutical, utility, low-income deposit, rent, and food

Access Health
Provides comprehensive primary health care for all ages. Clinical care, on-site lab and pharmacy, WIC nutrition program and dental care

Helping Hands/Richmond
Food assistance program and financial assistance with food and utilities

Katy Christian Ministries
Financial assistance with rent, utilities, prescriptions, clothes, food pantry

Salvation Army
Emergency assistance for rent, water and food

Second Mile Ministry
Basic needs assistance, extended hours on Tues. and Thurs. 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturdays

Covenant House Texas
Shelter, food, clothing, health care for runaways

 McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act 

McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and education stability for homeless children and youth.  The term “homeless children and youth” means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or similar reason. Students who are homeless are not required to provide proof of residency before enrolling. 




McKinney-Vento/Homeless Liaison

Every school district must designate an appropriate staff person as a liaison for students in homeless situations.  Liaisons must ensure that:

  • Children and youth in homeless situations are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies.
  • Students enroll in, and have full and equal opportunity to succeed in school
  • Families, children, and youth receive educational services for which they are eligible, including Head Start, Even Start, and pre-school programs, and referrals to health, mental health, dental, and other appropriate services.
  • Parents or guardians are informed of educational and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
  • Public notice of the educational rights of students in homeless situations is disseminated where children and youth receive services under the Act.
  • Enrollment disputes are mediated in accordance with the Enrollment Disputes section of the McKinney-Vento Act.
  • Parents and guardians and unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, including to the school of origin, and are assisted in accessing transportation services.
  • Liaisons must assist children and youth who do not have immunizations or immunization or medical records to obtain necessary immunizations or immunization or medical records.
  • Liaisons must help unaccompanied youth choose and enroll in a school, after considering the youths' wishes, and provide youth with notice of their right to appeal an enrollment decision that is not their choice.
  • Liaisons must ensure that unaccompanied youth are immediately enrolled in school pending resolution of disputes that might arise over school enrollment or placement.


McKinney-Vento Resources and Information

McKinney-Vento Plan

Dispute Resolution Process

Information for Parents of School-Age Youth (English)

Information for Parents of School-Age Youth (Spanish)

Information for School-Age Youth (English)

Information for School-Age Youth (Spanish)


For more information and resources, please access the LCISD McKinney-Vento Canvas Website.


McKinney-Vento Act 

Students experiencing homelessness have federal protections. Learn more about the McKinney-Vento Act using the button below.

Learn More About McKinney-Vento

Lamar CISD logo with the text 'A Proud Tradition | A Bright Future' and 'McKinney-Vento Program' written below. A row of six colored dots are at the bottom.

group of kids

Immediate Enrollment

  • Students are enrolled immediately in school, without immunization academic records, and birth certificate. Students have 30 days to provide the campus with this information. 
  • A student who is displaced or experiencing homelessness may choose which school they would like to attend between; school of origin or zoned school. Transportation is provided per parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request. 
  • The Texas provision allows parents to choose a school district, but not the exact school in the district they would like to attend. Transportation is not provided under the Texas provision.  

curiosity of kids

Services & Supports

  • Students and parents/guardians receive information for eligible services and resources in our district and in our community.
  • Eligible students receive free breakfast and lunch.

*Upon parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request:

  • Students can receive transportation for eligible students to school of origin.
  • Students can receive uniform and non-uniform clothing through LCISD Common Threads, our clothing-assistance program.
  • Students can receive basic school supplies and backpacks.

kids showing kindness

District Supports

  • District support staff ensure adacemic, attendance, and social-emotional needs are addressed and met.
  • Every campus has a McKinney-Vento Campus Support Staff Member. Please reach out to your Campus Support Staff with any questions you have.
  • The district has Family Support Specialists for each color track to support student and family needs. Please reach out to your Family Support Specialist for resources and support throughout our district and community.


Frequently Asked Questions

Use the drop-down boxes below to learn more about frequently asked questions. 

  • The term Homeless Children and Youth means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime

    residence; This includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to a loss of housing,

    economic hardship, or similar reason.  


    While completing the online enrollment forms for students, the Student Residency Questionnaire is used to review student eligibility for McKinney-Vento services. Students living in a temporary residence that is not owned or rented by a legal guardian or parent, due to contributing factors which have caused the sudden loss of housing. 


    Eligibility is determined every school year and students remain eligible for the entire school year. If you believe you or someone you know is 

  • Eligible McKinney-Vento students:

    • Receive information for eligible services and resources
    • Receive support through the McKinney-Vento Liaison/Specialist to assist with immediate enrollment at the campus
    • Receive free breakfast and lunch
    • Can receive transportation for eligible students to school of origin, per parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request
    • Can receive uniform and non-uniform clothing through LCISD Common Threads, per parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request
    • Can receive basic school supplies, per parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth request
  • Every school district must designate an appropriate staff person as a liaison for students in homeless situations.  Liaisons must ensure that:

    • Children and youth in homeless situations are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies.
    • Students enroll in, and have full and equal opportunity to succeed in school
    • Families, children, and youth receive educational services for which they are eligible, including Head Start, Even Start, and pre-school programs, and referrals to health, mental health, dental, and other appropriate services.
    • Parents or guardians are informed of educational and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.
    • Public notice of the educational rights of students in homeless situations is disseminated where children and youth receive services under the Act.
    • Enrollment disputes are mediated in accordance with the Enrollment Disputes section of the McKinney-Vento Act.
    • Parents and guardians and unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation services, including to the school of origin, and are assisted in accessing transportation services.
    • Liaisons must assist children and youth who do not have immunizations or immunization or medical records to obtain necessary immunizations or immunization or medical records.
    • Liaisons must help unaccompanied youth choose and enroll in a school, after considering the youths' wishes, and provide youth with notice of their right to appeal an enrollment decision that is not their choice.
    • Liaisons must ensure that unaccompanied youth are immediately enrolled in school pending resolution of disputes that might arise over school enrollment or placement.
  • If you need support or resources, you can reach out to your McKinney-Vento Campus Contact, Family Support Specialist, or the McKinney-Vento Student Support Specialist.

    Please visit the LCISD McKinney-Vento Canvas Website home page to view the list of McKinney-Vento Campus Contacts, Family Support Specialists, the McKinney-Vento Student Support Specialist, or the District McKinney-Vento Liaison contact information. 

  • Transportation is provided to eligible McKinney-Vento students who attend their school of origin. If you are requesting transportation support, please reach out to your Family Support Specialist or the McKinney-Vento Student Support Specialist to assist you with your transportation request. 





    Blue Track Secondary

    Jill Davis

    (832) 223-0335

    Blue Track Elementary

    LeKeitha Petitt

    (832) 223-0359

    Red Track Secondary

    Amber Maldonado

    (832) 223-0355

    Red Track Elementary

    Giselle Andujar

    (832) 223-0353

    Silver Track Elementary

    Andrea Watson 

    (832) 223-0357

    Silver Track Secondary

    Nina Stillman

    (832) 223-0370

    Gold Track

    Shereka Irvin

    (832) 223-0361

    Maroon Track

    Jaelene Luna 

    (832) 223-0360

    Purple Track

    Suzanne Stavinoha

    (832) 223-0352

  • Students can remain at their school of origin even if they move during the school year. Transportation can still be provided to student’s who have moved to their school of origin. If you have moved, please contact your Family Support Specialist or the McKinney-Vento Student Support Specialist to assist you with a new transportation request. 

    *Please note, in-district transportation may take between 3-5 school days before services will begin. The transportation department will contact the parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth with the routing information and start date once the services begin. 

    *Please note, out-of-district transportation may take between 5-7 school days before services begin. Morning (AM) transportation will be provided by the out-of-district transportation department. Afternoon (PM) transportation will be provided by LCISD. The transportation departments for each district will contact the parent/guardian or unaccompanied youth with the routing information and start date once the services begin.