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Guiding Principles for MTSS

MTSS is as much a way of thinking as it is a process of doing. There are both important guiding principles that drive the work and essential actions to do for MTSS to function. However within these parameters, each school must be flexible regarding how to implement these practices to best meet the unique needs of the students they serve with the resources available. 

Elements that guide the MTSS framework in Lamar CISD:

  1. Culture of Collective Responsibility. Every LCISD stakeholder…
  • Believes that all students can learn at high levels.
  • Accept responsibility for ensuring high levels of learning for every student.

PLC Connection: Our purpose is student learning.

  1. Collaborative Teams focused on high-quality, differentiated instruction for all students.  Effective instruction is designed to create individual learning pathways that enable all students to close the gaps and access and master essential knowledge and skills.

PLC Connection: What do we want students to know and be able to do?

  1. Data-Driven Decision Making.  Multiple sources of data are routinely collected and analyzed to determine the learning needs of each student and the effectiveness of the curriculum and instruction in meeting those needs. 

PLC Connection: How will we know if they have learned it?

  1. Systematic Action. Each student’s growth on the learning continuum will guide the planning and implementation of appropriate next steps to ensure that all students learn at grade level or higher. This calls for continuous improvement of instruction and systematic processes at all levels. 

PLC Connection: What do we do if they did not learn it? What do we do if they have learned it?


The MTSS guiding principles align to the core principles of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and support the district’s vision.

A diagram outlining a multi-tiered system of supports for improved student outcomes and school climate.

Contact Information

Sarah Stevens, M.Ed. 

MTSS Coordinator
