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Secondary Online Library Resources

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LCISD Library Online Databases - Secondary


Below is a list of library resources and online databases available to secondary students in LCISD through ClassLink . Please visit your student's campus library webpage to learn more about specific programs available at your school.

Databases for accessing books, eBooks, educational videos, and logging reading minutes:

  • Folllet logo featuring a modern design with bold typography and a distinctive color palette.

    Search your school library’s books, eBooks and digital resources in one easy place with Destiny Discover.

    Logo of Learn 360 displayed prominently against a blue background, symbolizing education and innovation.

    Learn 360 is a streaming media resource for K-12 . It includes videos, audio, images, and more. All cntent has been vetted and has been approved as safe for students.

  • A vibrant paper fan against a black background, representing creativity and elegance in design.

    MackinVIA is the home for all Lamar CISD ebooks! Checkout this resource for online books, audiobooks, interactive resources, and more.

Databases for research, enrichment, and personal interest:

  • Gale Academic Onefile logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    The premier source for peer-reviewed articles covering all academic disciplines.

  • Logo of Britannica Moderna, featuring a stylized design representing educational resources for students.​​​​​​​

    Auténtica enciclopedia en español para estudiantes de secundaria.

  • Logo of Britannica Moderna, featuring a stylized design representing educational resources for students.​​​​​​​

    Auténtica enciclopedia en español para estudiantes de secundaria.

  • Logo representing Gale Chilton Library, showcasing a colorful and inviting design aimed for education.​​​​​​​

    Quick online access to repair, maintenance and service information on popular vehicles, with information on actual tear-downs in easy to follow step-by-step procedures.

  • EBSCO Host logo with a digital interface showcasing website hosting services and features for users.​​​​​​​

    A collection of eBooks made available through EBSCO.

  • A blue and yellow logo featuring a distinctive curved shape, symbolizing creativity and innovation.​​​​​​​

    A highly acclaimed eLearning solution that provides support to students for academic skill-building, standardized test prep, career certification test prep and more.

  • Gale Educator's Reference Complete logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Journal and references cover child development, best practices and more.

  • Gale Ebooks logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Enjoy unlimited access to top reference eBooks.

  • Gale Environmental Studies logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Multimedia coverage of environmental issues, including health care and climate change.

  • Gale Literary Sources logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Unlock information in primary sources, critical articles, literary and cultural analysis, and biographies.

  • Gale Power-Search logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Tool to select and search most secondary Gale resources simultaneously.

  • Gale Academic Onefile logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Millions of articles cover a full range of academic and general-interest topics.

  • Gale Health and Wellness logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Health-focused magazines, reference, video, and more.

  • Gale Informe Academico logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Una coleccion de revistas hispanicas con textos completos.

  • Gale Literature Resource Center logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Literary content integrates with subject indexing for a full research experience.

  • Gale News logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Search full-text articles by headline, date, newspaper section and more.

  • Gale Opposing Viewpoints logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Continuously updated information and opinions cover hot issues.

  • Gale Middle School logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    An engaging cross-curricular resource created for middle and junior high school assignment needs.

  • Gale High School logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    An engaging cross-curricular resource created for high school assignment needs.

  • Gale Science logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Timely reference content joins science-based articles, news, experiments and more.

  • Gale Scribner Writer Series logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    Provides students, teachers, and other researchers access to more than 2,000 original, comprehensive, scholar-signed essays on the lives and works of more than 1,400 important authors from around the world and from all time periods.

  • ProQuest logo representing a leading provider of information and analytics in the life sciences sector.​​​​​​​

    General reference database designed for young researchers.

  • Gale Twayne's Author Series logo, designed for engaging students with bright colors and educational imagery.​​​​​​​

    The acclaimed Twayne's Author Series of literary criticism offers in-depth introductions to the lives and works of writers, the history and influence of literary movements and to the development of literary genres.