Lamar CISD is committed to providing high-quality instruction and support to promote the achievement of all students. At the school level, the Multi-Tiered System of Support is the framework used to maximize the success of all students.
What is MTSS?
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a framework that focuses on intervention best practices within the areas of academics, behavior, and mental health support for all students.
To meet this challenge, MTSS provides an intentional and systematic approach, relying on data to help educators match the correct level of support to what students need.
Senate Bill 1153, 85th Texas Legislature, requires schools to notify a parent of each child who receives assistance from the school for learning difficulties every year. This includes support provided through an MTSS program that is above the level of intervention used with all children.
Throughout the year, schools conduct screenings for all students to assess their knowledge and identify areas where they may need additional support. For students who require extra help, a problem-solving process is initiated to design and implement targeted interventions, while regularly monitoring their progress.
Tier 1: Universal Core Instruction
All students receive effective instruction that includes evidence-based practices, research-based curricula, and differentiation.
Tier 2: Targeted Skill-Building Support
In addition to Tier 1, teachers provide small group intervention and support to those who are considered at risk for academic or behavioral difficulties.
Tier 3: Intensive Intervention Support
In addition to Tier 1 and 2, a highly qualified educator provides intensive intervention support to those who demonstrate significant and persistent learning and/or behavior needs. Interventions are more individualized, using diagnostic data to inform which evidence-based practices to use or adapt.
Through MTSS educators identify students in need of additional support and provide these students with intervention strategies to help close academic and behavioral gaps.
These supports may include, but are not limited to:
Parents or guardians may request a special education evaluation for their child at any time.
Contact your child’s teacher, the school administrator, or the school counselor with your concerns.
Additional Resources and Information for parents can be found on the SPEDTex website.