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Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

What is MTSS (Multi-Tiered Systems of Support)?

  • Encompasses supports for the whole child and takes into account academics, behavior, and social/emotional supports.
  • MTSS should be provided through the collaborative efforts of general and special education.

MTSS Coordinator

Lauren Crew

What are the tiered systems under the MTSS umbrella?

  • Response to Intervention-RtI (Academic)
    • Intensive Academic Interventions
    • Targeted Academic Interventions
    • High Quality Instruction
  • Positive Behavior Supports- PBIS (Behavior)
    • Individual Behavioral Supports
    • Targeted Behavioral Supports
    • High Schoolwide/Classroom Expectations
  • Social Emotional Learning- SEL
    • Individual Social Skill Deficit Supports
    • Targeted Social Skill Deficit Supports
    • Social Skills Curriculum

What are the goals of the multi-tiered RtI and PBIS Models?

  • Academic MTSS/ RtI
    1. Universal screening as a needs assessment – ongoing data tracking and analysis
    2. Progress monitoring for chart growth- ongoing data tracking and analysis
    3. Determine intervention effectiveness-curriculum & standard based measurements


  • Behavior MTSS/PBIS
    1. Develop school-wide positive behavior support culture
    2. Use behavior screening data to assist in identifying students in need of support
    3. Identifying target behaviors and relevant interventions for individual standards
    4. Developing specific student intervention plans and train staff on how to implement them.

MTSS Coordinator

Lauren Crew