The primary function of a school system is to prepare students to function successfully in society, to lead productive and effective lives, to be lifelong learners and good citizens. This requires a school system to establish clear, valid, and measurable student learning expectations that form the framework of the District curriculum. In the Lamar CISD student learning expectations reflect the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the Texas Assessment of Academic Skills, End of Course exams, other identified state and national content standards and ests as well as community beliefs about what students should know and be able to do. Lamar CISD is committed to continuous improvement of the teaching and learning rocess.
The Lamar CISD School Board recognizes the need for a systematic ongoing program of curriculum development, review and evaluation. The design and implementation of the curriculum will be consistent with the Board’s adopted mission and applicable goals, state laws, and State Board of Education rules. The curriculum component will be an integral part of the District long-range planning process. The Lamar CISD School Board deems it essential that the district continually develops and modifies its curriculum to provide a common direction of action for all instruction so that the District meets changing needs. While instructional differentiation is expected to occur to address the unique needs of specific students, instruction shall be derived from a set of curriculum learnings common to all students. There will be equitable access to the curriculum for all students.
The curriculum is to be designed and delivered using a performance-based, continuous growth approach. Such an approach is based on the following premises:
The role of the curriculum is to realize the District’s mission for educating all of its students and meeting the requirements of the Graduate Profile. The written curriculum becomes the guide for instruction, the taught curriculum, the results of which are assessed as the tested curriculum. When all three pieces, written, taught, and tested curriculum are totally aligned then the district expectations for student achievement are realized and sustained.