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Substitutes FAQs

Substitute Teaching in Lamar CISD

Why should I be interested in substituting?

  • Districts sometimes hire substitutes as full time employees if they have a proven success record.
  • Subbing is flexible – you work when you want to.
  • It’s an opportunity for a variety of experiences in many buildings and grade levels within Lamar CISD.

Access the Substitute Handbook


How do I become a substitute?

  • Complete the online substitute application. Be sure to include at least two professional references (former or current supervisors). You must provide their email addresses on your application.
  • Once your references have been received by Human Resources, send an email to to request access to the fingerprints process. You will be provided instructions for completing the state-mandated fingerprinting process. Each substitute will be required to pay for their own fingerprinting (approximately $47.00 -$55.00).
  • After clearing fingerprints, you will receive new hire paperwork. You will also receive an invitation to in person orientation pending completion of the online portions of paperwork before attending. We strongly encourage you to bring in your supporting documents for I-9 and official transcripts prior to orientation (detailed instructions regarding these documents will be emailed to you).
  • Next, you will attend in person orientation. At the end of the session, you will receive your badge if all the new hire paperwork is turned in. 
  • Complete a one-time registration in our sub system and you're ready to begin subbing!


What will I learn during in-person orientation?

  • Successful substituting techniques including discipline management, motivation, and individualization.
  • Important highlights from the Substitute Handbook and the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Specific instruction on dress and grooming, computer usage, sexual harassment scenarios, substitute evaluation, completion of your profile, how to use our automated substitute system, and safety/crisis management.


What do I do if I want to sub a second year?

  • You must complete the Returning Substitute process each year during the summer. Additional information will be emailed to you to the email address you have on file with the district.