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English as a Second Language (ESL)

Lamar CISD English as a Second Language (ESL)

Lamar Consolidated Independent School District's English as a Second Language (ESL) Education Program begins with ESL classes in PK. For students in grades PK-12, LCISD implements a Content Based Language Instruction model. Students receive 100% of their instruction in English. Teachers use research-based strategies to assist students in acquiring knowledge of the English Language while learning content area concepts and skills.

Lamar CISD English as a Second Language (ESL) Program

  • ESL is intensive English language instruction by teachers trained in effective language acquisition strategies who work with English Learners.

  • ESL instruction shall be equivalent with the student’s level of English proficiency and academic achievement.

  • An ESL program provides intensive instruction that develops competency in the listening, speaking, reading, and writing of the English language.  

  • An ESL program uses the academic and cultural background of the student as a platform to provide the appropriate instruction in English.

ESL Program Brochures

ESL Program Model (English)            ESL Program Model (Spanish)            ESL Program Model (Vietnamese) 


A teacher sits on a desk in a classroom, holding a tablet and smiling as students raise their hands to answer a question.

ESL Frequently Asked Questions

    • An ESL program develops competence in English.

    • An ESL program prepares students to be successful in all academic subjects. 

    • An ESL program emphasizes the mastery of English language skills using research-based sheltered instructional strategies. 

    • Academic instruction is provided by teachers who are trained in second language acquisition methods.

    • Teachers understand the specific language needs of English learners and how to address them.

    • Recognition of an English learner’s academic, cultural, and linguistic background.

    • Adapted instruction, pacing, and materials to target an English learner’s language proficiency level.

    • Student in prekindergarten through high school who speak or hear another language other than English in their home

    • Students will be assessed in language proficiency and based on their results, a recommendation for placement will be made by the Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC), and parent permission will be required for participation.

    • Yes, all students in an ESL program will receive instruction in the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills  (TEKS) in English with linguistic accommodations based on their English language proficiency level.

    • Yes, language arts, reading, mathematics, science, and social studies are fundamental  parts of the state mandated curriculum.

    • Yes, students will have opportunities to participate in arts, music, and physical education which are part of a balanced curriculum.  

      Texas Education Code§29.051 STATE POLICY. English is the basic language of this state.  Public schools are responsible for providing a full opportunity for all students to become competent in speaking, reading, writing, and comprehending the English language.  The mastery of basic English language skills is a prerequisite for effective participation in the state’s educational program. 

  • Teachers, who are highly qualified, specially trained, and certified to teach in ESL programs that meet the language needs of students

    • The focus is on learning social and academic English within the context of all content areas subjects.

    • State -adopted ESL materials and ESL certified teachers support students to become proficient in English, learn the knowledge and skills in the TEKS, and reach their full academic potential. 

    • Parent approval is required to allow their child to participate and benefit from the program. 

    • Parents can become involved at home by encouraging their child to achieve, providing him/her a place to study and showing interest in his/her schoolwork.

    • Parent can review social and academic English with students on a regular basis. 

    • In elementary, the state-approved ESL program model is content based ESL.
    • In secondary, the state-approved ESL program model is pull-out ESL.