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The Technology Application TEKS Curriculum

The Technology Application TEKS

The state of Texas adopted an updated version of the Technology Application (TA) TEKS in 2022 with the understanding that all districts will begin implementing them in the 2024-2025 school year. The intention of the TA TEKS curriculum is to equip students with technology skills and critical thinking ability that will prepare them for their future, regardless of the professional path that is chosen. It was quite the update! The standards have an entirely different look and organizational hierarchy. 

TA TEKS - What Has Changed?

A graphic illustrating the five components of Technology Application: Computational Thinking, Creativity and Innovation, Data Literacy, Digital Citizenship, and Practical Technology Concepts.

With the adoption of the new standards comes many changes. Here are some of the bigger changes:

  • The TEKS are now aligned for each grade level, K-8. Previously, standards were in grade bands for elementary (K-2 and 3-5). 
  • The TEKS are organized into 5 strands, and associated sub strands. The strands are as follows:
    • Computational Thinking
    • Creativity and Innovation
    • Data Literacy
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Practical Technology Concepts
  • Note that communication and collaboration are no longer stand alone strands, as they were in the past. These skills are now integrated into all 5 strands.
  • A progression from familiar language to more technology terminology is present as students move up through the grades.
  • The standards are written to better connect to everyday life and problem solving.
  • The use of broad descriptions of technology allow for emerging technology. In other words, you will not see "Google", "Microsoft", "Adobe", or any other company/program listed in the standards as those programs change rapidly. Instead the TA TEKS are designed to focus on the process, not a specific product.

The TA TEKS Strands

The TA TEKS strands are designed to help prepare students to be technology literate by the end of the 8th grade. Each of the strands are then further divided into substrands for further clarification.

Below is a brief overview, ***provided by the Texas Education Association, of the 5 strands.

  • TA TEKS Computational Thinking Strand

    Students break down the problem-solving process into four steps that include decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction, and algorithms. 

  • TA TEKS Creativity and Innovation Strand

    Students use innovative design processes to develop solutions to problems. Students will plan a solution, create the solution, test the solution, iterate, and debug the solution as needed, and implement a completely new and innovative product. 

  • TA TEKS Data Literacy Strand

    Students collect, organize, manage, analyze, and publish various types of data for an audience. 

  • TA TEKS Digital Citizenship Strand

    Students practice ethical and effective application of technology and develop an understanding of cybersecurity and the impact of a digital footprint to become safe, productive, and respectful digital citizens. 


  • TA TEKS Practical Technology Concepts Strand

    Students build their knowledge of software applications and hardware focusing on keyboarding and use of the applications and tools. (Grades 3-8 only) Students also build their knowledge and use of technology systems including integrating the use of multiple applications.

TA TEKS Curriculum

If you are interested in learning more about the TA TEKS curriculum, you can reference the one-page overview documents for each grade level, K-8, as well as a vertical alignment document which shows progression for each strand as students progress through the grade levels.