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Canvas Information

Canvas Information

Canvas for Parents and Observers

Canvas provides you, as parents and guardians, "view only" access to see your child's course content. You will be to access each course' calendar, announcements, assignment overviews, class content, and more. As LCISD teachers use Canvas throughout the school year, valuable information will be accessible within this tool.

Canvas para Padres y Observadores

Usted padre o tutor sólo podrá tener acceso como "observador" al contenido de los cursos de su hijo en Canvas. Su acceso podrá estar ligado a: anuncios, calendarios de los cursos, descripciones generales de las tareas, contenido de la clase y otros. Podrá tener acceso a información valiosa mientras los maestros utilizan esta valiosa herramienta durante todo el ciclo escolar.

New to Canvas? Get Started with this Checklist
If you are new to Canvas, Welcome! This video and checklist will help you get started in the program.  There are also many more resources available for you toward the bottom of this page to guide you through Canvas features.  


Canvas Parent Steps for Success 



¿Eres nuevo en Canvas? Comienza con esta lista de verificación
¡Si eres nuevo en Canvas, Bienvenido! Este video y lista de verificación te ayudarán a comenzar en el programa. También podrás encontrar muchos otros recursos al final de esta página que te ayudarán a navegar en el sistema Canvas.  


Pasos para tener éxito en Canvas

Canvas Resources for Students, Parents, and Observers

Below you will find information and links to resources that will help you access and navigate Canvas, including how to login to your observer account.  To log in to your account, you will need the email address associated with your Skyward Family Access account.  This is NOT your Skyward login.  You must use the email address entered within Skyward.  Your students should automatically be attached to your Canvas observer account.  If they are not, please reach out to your campus' Canvas support representative.

All support documents and resources, for both students and parents, can be found in The Student Toolbox course. Select the "Canvas Resources" button to access all things Canvas. To help you get started, some important resources are linked in the table below.

Recursos de Canvas para Estudiantes, Padres y Observadores

A continuación, se ofrece información y enlaces de recursos que lo ayudarán a tener acceso y navegar en Canvas, incluyendo el tener accceso a la cuenta como "observador".

Para poder iniciar sesión usted necesita el correo electrónico asociado a su cuenta de "Skyward Family Access".

Este NO es el "Login" de Skyward. Debe utilizar la dirección de correo electrónico ingresada  en Skyward. Los nombres de sus hijos deben encontrarse conectados automáticamente a la cuenta del observador de Canvas.  De no ser así, comuníquese con el representante de soporte de Canvas de su escuela.

Todo documento y recurso de apoyo, tanto para estudiantes como para padres, se puede encontrar en el curso de "The Student Toolbox".  Seleccione el botón "Canvas Resources" para acceder a todo lo relacionado con Canvas. A continuación,  se ofrecen algunos recursos importantes para ayudarlo a iniciar sesión.

Resources - English

  • Canvas is a Learning Management System (LMS). A LMS is used to host and track online learning. It helps make instruction accessible for learners and provides a central location for all resources that are provided to students and parents. Click here for an overview.

  • We recommend using Google Chrome when accessing Canvas. Internet Explorer and Safari are not always compatible. Click here for instructions.

  • Need help logging into Canvas? This page will guide you through the process. If you are a parent, you will need the email address you have entered as a contact within Skyward. Click here for instructions.

  • Canvas can send notifications, conversations, grade updates, and more through this contact information. You may choose to only receive it through the email address assigned, or you can choose to add another point of contact. Click here for a Settings overview.

  • The default language for your Canvas account is English. There are many other languages Canvas will translate your global and course navigation options to, however. Follow the steps below to change the language settings. Click here for more on Language Settings.

  • The district sets default notification preferences for you that choose the type, and frequency, of the Canvas notifications you will receive via the contact options you have added. You can alter all of the notifications Canvas has to offer. Click here for more information on Nofitication settings.

  • You can review all items that are being assigned within Canvas through the gradebook. Here you can see what is due, missing, or graded. Remember, however, that the official gradebook is Skyward. Check Skyward for your current average.

  • Most courses will be organized within modules. Modules can be compared to a unit in a textbook. Teachers can create a path for students so that they are introduced to information in a sequential order. You will see different module items within a module that help to provide a sound learning experience. Click here to learn more about Modules.

  • Announcements are a great way for teachers to send quick reminders about an upcoming event, share resources, celebrate a success, and more! Students and parents can both access announcements in Canvas. Click here to learn more about Announcements.

  • The calendar is another great way to keep yourself up-to-date with events, assignments, tests, and more. Click here to learn more about the Canvas Calendar.

  • Canvas has a student app that we recommend you use if you are working from a mobile device. The app can be downloaded from both the App Store and Google Play. We recommend the student app for both students and parents. Click here for more information about the Canvas Student app. 

  • Canvas also has a parent app that parents or observers can use if you are working from a mobile device. This app does not have as many options for you as the student app. You are only able to view grades, the calendar, and any alerts you set for yourself. Some parents choose to download and use both apps depending on their needs at that moment. Click here to learn more about the Canvas Parent app.

Recursos - Español